Will she ever awaken

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(from Trish's perspective)

We have been at the hospital for about 3 hours now and we still have no word on what happened to Hope. I mean I knew she had really bad anxiety but I didn't think it would make her pass out in the middle of the street. There obviously has to be more to it which is the part that scares me the most, well that isn't completely true. The thing that scares me the most right now is that no one knows what is going on. And the few people who do are somewhere off doing medical things hopefully with Hope so we can get her back on her two feet.

I feel like this is all my fault in the large scheme of things. I mean I was the one who talked her into going to the office in the first place. But... if she didn't she would be getting hurt more and more every single day. Ugh... I feel like there was no other way to help her, but I also feel like I pushed her too hard and possibly pushed her over the deep end. I feel like a shitty friend...

I mean how does someone who knows someone so well and sees them almost every single day since primary school be so completely oblivious to the fact that her step-dad beat her and threw her around like some raggedy doll. I mean she doesn't wear makeup and I never noticed a bruise on her face until today. Like was it there the whole time? If so, how in the hell did I not see it? She is more than a best-friend to me, she will always be in my heart as a sister. No matter what we go through we will go through it together. I will not let this happen ever again.

You know something crazy about Hope is she is so attentive to detail. Which can be very creepy and unsettling at times because you will look up and just see Hope spacing out with possible drool falling down her face from intense focus. I remember when we first met I had just got done playing outside on the playground and I fell, but I didn't wanna tell the teacher because then the boys would have seen me as this prissy weak link. And to focus away from the pain that I felt in my knees and elbows I started to draw on a piece of paper. Next thing I knew I felt someone staring at me. So I looked up and there she was staring at me with this look of confusion. So I shrugged my shoulders and patted to the spot next to me as a sign to move over here. 'Cause you know if you're gonna stare for that long you obviously are an interesting person, that or you really have a staring problem. But hey I lucked out with that couk because she is just an interesting person.

"Malicha Lockwood? A doctor walks through these two doors. And the look on his face doesn't seem like he is bearing good news. Oh, please Hope, please be alive! I can't lose you!

My mom stood up and walked over towards the doctor motioning towards me to stay in my seat. "That is me, is there an update on Hope's condition?"

"Yes there is, and I just want to say that she is in the best care here." he said treddingly.

"So, she is alive?" my mom said with joy but a little confusion cause it seemed like the doctor wasn't telling her something.

"She is alive, but she is in a coma from extensive injuries that have been slowly killing her over time. The main one that put her in this coma was the brain bleed in her head"

My mother kind of stumbled backwards which alarmed me, as I've seen people do that before in tv show hospital settings when someone dies.

"How?" I said, trying not to cry.

"How?" the doctor looked at me confused as if I asked such a preposterous question.

"How could you let her die, she just got free from her horrible family and now she will never know the feeling of being a part of a family that loves you unconditionally." tears were now streaming down my face.

"Trish, Hope isn't dead, she is in a coma from a brain bleed that they couldn't get under control in time because of the extent of it. She is lucky to be alive, from all those other injuries that were affecting her daily that she herself didn't know about." My mom  said while slowly moving forward to start hugging me, I looked up at the doctor and mouthed "I'm sorry."

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