Chapter 3

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She did the dishes and finished moving her lawn. In some ways, she was completely like her father. She hated to see the grass growing even a bit too long for her liking.

She locked all the gates and switched on her iPod in the shower. She was a bathroom dancer and singer. After half an hour, she was drying herself. She applied her Victoria Secret all over. She froze each time her fingers skimmed through a scar.

She put on her favourite hoodie and her shorts. She was too lazy to cook with the tiredness taking its toll. She ordered a take away and dropped on her bed with her J.D Robb book. She couldn't let go of her "In Death" series. It somehow kept her alive. She was almost an empty person.

Still in planet Zenox, princess? It's 8.30 p.m.

Shit. Sorry. I forgot.

Figured out as much. I'm on my way. Open the door in 5.


She went up to her room and took out an extra pillow and a big Winnie the Pooh bear. Minsy slept over at Natalie's so frequent that she had so much of her stuff at Nat's.

I'm home! Where are you? You could have open the door at least!

She went downstairs and rolled her eyes at the way she behaved. So much of a girl. She wondered how was this friendship alone different, genuine. At least, till date.

I ordered takeaway. You can eat if you haven't had your dinner yet.

You are my soulmate! I'm not even mad at you anymore. So it's a Friday. Wanna go clubbing? I'm so bored. Please Nat! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee......

I thought we were suppose to finish up Mr. Grim's work. Plus, I just had the lawn cleared. Not today. A man needs his rest and food, woman. If you insist, you can go. If you're too drunk or about to die, call me. I'll pick you up. Try not to get drugged or raped.

I don't need you to be my mum, Nat. Be a good girl and get changed. Let's party tonight! Please? I'll shut up for the next weekend. I promise.

Well, the offer of her shutting up was Natalie's cue. She marched upstairs and changed while Minsy followed like and excited little girl who was going to get her Barbie doll tonight.

You make sure you hold on to your word.

She put on a black sleeveless top with a shorts with army design. She went to her shoes section of the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of boots. She had a huge room-like wardrobe with all her clothing and accessories. Every time her mum came home, she'd just keep filling it for her. Minsy wore the dresses instead of her. She took out two goth-like bracelets and a chain and put them on. She let her golden wavy hair loose and she was ready to go. Minsy was still struggling with her lipstick and everything else. She knew there was still half-an hour before Minsy got ready. She walked downstairs and the bell rang.

She paid for her pizza and started hogging up. She was as hungry as hell. She brought the rest of it upstairs while Minsy hogged up the rest of it. After 45 minutes, both the girls were ready in Nat's white Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera. Her baby was forever ready to take her around. She took a moment to savour his sound and then exited the garage.

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