Chapter 6: Sadness

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With Eva still crying, I felt a mix of sympathy and helplessness. I invited her into my apartment, unsure of how to console her in such a situation. Crying had never been my forte, and I didn't want to say anything that might sound insincere or dismissive. I handed her tissues and some snacks, giving her space to grieve in privacy. I dislike situations like this it feels weird and uncomfortable.

Leaving her in my room, I sat in the living room, my mind swirling with thoughts. The image of the figure in the black hood resurfaced, and I contemplated whether he could be related to Ban's tragic fate. Yet, I was cautious not to jump to conclusions. There was no way for me to be certain, and I couldn't afford to lead the police astray with mere speculation. Until I had concrete evidence, it was best to remain silent.

Trying to distract myself, I picked up a romance novel and allowed myself to be absorbed by its world. The story of finding true love on the first try, despite its unrealistic nature, managed to tug at my heartstrings. It stirred a longing within me—an aspiration for a love that could withstand challenges and accept me for who I was. Yet, even as I yearned for such a connection, I couldn't help but acknowledge the unlikelihood of finding it in one shot. Life rarely adhered to the ideals of fiction.

As I closed the book, content with the emotional journey it had taken me on, the sound of the door swinging open caused my heart to race. I turned to face the entrance, only to remember that I had invited Eva over. Relief washed over me as I saw her, and I greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked gently.

Eva sniffled and wiped her tears. "I'm still processing everything. It's just so hard to believe."

I nodded in understanding. "I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. If you need anything, just let me know."

Eva managed a small smile. "Thank you, Aifika. You're really kind."

I decided to make dinner, hoping it would provide some comfort. As we sat down to eat, conversation flowed naturally between us. Despite not being particularly close, Eva's warmth and kindness made it easy to talk. I offered for her to stay over, knowing that returning to her grandparents' home would only be a painful reminder. She graciously accepted, explaining that her grandparents were also staying elsewhere for the time being.

As the evening progressed, we shared stories and talked about lighter topics, attempting to provide each other with a bit of distraction from the heaviness of the day. Eventually, fatigue set in, and I suggested that we both get some rest.

"Feel free to use my room," I told Eva. "I'll sleep in my brother's room."

Eva nodded, gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you, Aifika."

I smiled, touched by her words. "It's the least I can do."

And with that, we retreated to our respective rooms, each seeking solace and support in the midst of the uncertainty that had unexpectedly woven our lives together.


The days passed in a somber haze, the weight of grief and loss casting a shadow over everything. Today marked the third day of Ban's funeral, the day we would lay him to rest according to tradition. The ceremony was held outdoors, under the open sky, as friends and family gathered to pay their final respects. I donned a full black attire, despite my personal dislike for the color. Dark hues always seemed to deepen my melancholy, contrasting starkly with my preference for lighter shades.

Amidst the mournful cries and tear-stained faces, my gaze shifted to Eva. She wept for her beloved Ban, the anguish in her eyes palpable. Ah, the pain of losing someone you love to death. I wonder how that feels. I too want to die knowing that there would be someone who will cry for me, leaving a void that could never be filled.

As the ceremony unfolded, I couldn't help but envy Ban, he had so many people who loved him. I wonder if even half of this crowd would show up to my funeral.

Hmmm... A crazy thought, I tend to let my thoughts get influenced by my environment. Because of this I would sometimes think of something strange.

Eventually, the burial was completed, and I found myself standing before the freshly filled grave. My gaze lingered for a moment before I turned to leave, my heart heavy with an indescribable ache. I glanced back one last time, observing the faces of those who had gathered. Among them, someone caught my attention—an imposing figure draped in a long black hood, obscuring their features. Their presence seemed out of place, almost as if they belonged to a different time or reality. None of the mourners seemed to react to the stranger's eerie appearance.

Curiosity and a sense of unease gripped me as I observed the figure. They exuded an air of mystery and darkness, reminiscent of something out of a gothic tale or a cultic gathering. The way they stood silently on the grave sent shivers down my spine. And yet, the most unsettling aspect was the feeling that I was the only one who could see them. No one else seemed to acknowledge the stranger's presence, their attention focused solely on the ceremony.

I tore my gaze away, hastening my steps to leave the scene. My thoughts were a tempest of emotions, my mind dwelling on the strange and macabre. The figure's presence had triggered something within me—a reminder of my own isolation and a reminder of the fine line between reality and imagination. As I returned home, the weight of the day clung to me like a shroud, casting a shadow over my already conflicted thoughts.

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