Chapter 2

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The days that followed Elanor's confrontation with Sarah felt different. Though the stares and whispers hadn't completely vanished, there was a newfound spark in Elanor's eyes. She had stood up for herself, and even though the journey was far from over, she felt a glimmer of hope that she could make a change.

One sunny morning, as Elanor walked through the school courtyard lost in her thoughts, she noticed a commotion near the entrance. A new student, a boy with tousled brown hair and a bright smile, was being introduced to some of the teachers. His energy seemed infectious, drawing the curious gaze of students passing by.

As the bell rang and Elanor headed to her first class, she caught another glimpse of the new student, who was now standing alone near a row of lockers. Their eyes met briefly, and he offered her a friendly wave, his smile unwavering.

Throughout the day, Elanor found herself stealing glances at the new student, whose name she learned was Azrial. She had a sense of confidence about him, something that seemed to light up the hallways. Despite her curiosity, Elanor hesitated to approach him; after all, she was used to being invisible.

But fate seemed to have different plans. During lunch, as Elanor sat at her usual corner table with her book, she was surprised to see Azrial walking toward her. His smile was warm and genuine, as if he had known her for years.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of friendliness.

Elanor blinked in surprise, unsure of how to respond. She finally managed a small nod, gesturing to the empty seat across from her. "Sure, go ahead."

Azrial settled into the seat, his smile never wavering. "I'm Azrial, by the way. Just transferred here."

Elanor offered a shy smile. "I'm Elanor."

"Nice to meet you, Elanor!" Azrial said cheerfully. "So, what's the best thing about this school?"

Elanor was taken aback by his question. She hadn't expected anyone to show genuine interest in her opinion. "Well, I guess the library is pretty quiet. I like reading."

Azrial's eyes lit up. "Oh, I love reading too! What kind of books do you enjoy?"

As Elanor and Azrial talked, their conversation flowed effortlessly. She found herself opening up about her love for fantasy novels and her passion for drawing. Azrial listened attentively, sharing his own interests and stories. For the first time in a long time, Elanor felt a connection with someone, a connection that went beyond the hurtful words and isolation she had grown accustomed to.

Days turned into weeks, and Elanor and Azrial's friendship blossomed. He introduced her to new music and encouraged her to join a creative writing club at the school. With him by her side, the hallways didn't seem as daunting, and the weight of loneliness began to lift.

Even Sarah and her gang seemed to back off, perhaps sensing that Elanor was no longer an easy target. And though there were still challenges ahead, Elanor faced them with newfound strength, knowing that she wasn't alone anymore.

As Azrial's infectious energy continued to spread, Elanor realized that sometimes, all it took was one person to make a difference. And in Azrial, she had found not just a friend, but a beacon of light that had helped her find the courage to rewrite her story.

As the final bell of the school day rang, Elanor gathered her books and headed home. The weight of the day's events, both positive and negative, seemed to press down on her shoulders. Despite the newfound connection with Azrial, the memory of the hurtful taunts and the whispers of the other students still lingered in her mind.

Pushing open the creaky front door, Elanor was met with the familiar scent of her mother's cigarettes and the distant sound of her father's slurred speech. The living room was dimly lit, the air heavy with tension. She knew that her parents' relationship was strained, a constant battle that she had to navigate.

Her mother, a tired-looking woman with weary eyes, sat on the worn-out couch. She glanced up briefly before returning her gaze to the television, barely acknowledging Elanor's presence. Her father, who sat in an armchair with an empty bottle of alcohol by his side, turned his bleary eyes toward her.

"Elanor," he slurred, his words slow and muddled. "You're back."

Elanor nodded, her heart sinking as she saw the glassy look in her father's eyes. She knew that this wasn't the first time he had turned to alcohol to cope with his own demons. Her parents' battles were a backdrop to her own struggles, a harsh reminder that sometimes, even the people who should protect you can hurt you the most.

She retreated to her room, closing the door behind her. The room was her sanctuary, a place where she could escape the chaos that surrounded her. She sank onto her bed, burying her face in her hands. The weight of the day's bullying and the turmoil at home felt like an unbearable burden.

The bruises of emotional wounds from both school and home seemed to converge, making her feel trapped and suffocated. She longed for the warmth of Azrial's smile, the way he made her forget her troubles, even if just for a while.

As the afternoon turned into evening, Elanor sat at her desk, her sketchbook open in front of her. She picked up a pencil and began to sketch, her thoughts drifting to Azrial's cheerful laughter and their conversations. Her hand moved with a rhythm, as if the pencil was an extension of her feelings.

But as the sun dipped below the horizon, Elanor's thoughts shifted to the reality she couldn't escape, her parents' strained relationship and their treatment of her. The sting of their indifference and harsh words echoed in her mind. She felt like an afterthought in her own home.

With a heavy heart, Elanor closed her sketchbook and lay down on her bed. She stared at the ceiling, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. The isolation she felt, both at school and at home, seemed overwhelming.

Her thoughts drifted to Azrial, her friend who had brought a glimmer of light into her life. But even he couldn't be there all the time, and the reality of her situation hit her hard. She felt utterly alone, trapped in a cycle of pain with no way out.

As tears stung her eyes, Elanor's gaze fell on a small shard of glass on her bedside table, a fragment of a broken picture frame. A chilling thought crossed her mind, an impulse born out of desperation. She picked up the shard, her hands trembling, and stared at her own reflection in the jagged piece.

In that moment, a mix of emotions surged within her. The pain of the bullying, the ache of her family's struggles, and the loneliness that seemed to suffocate her. It felt like the only way to escape it all, to finally find some peace.

But then, a memory of Azrial's smile flashed before her eyes, a reminder that there was goodness in the world, even when it seemed distant. With a shuddering breath, she set the glass shard down, her heart pounding in her chest.

Elanor knew she needed help, that she couldn't face her battles alone. She reached for her phone and dialed a number that she had saved weeks ago - a helpline for those in crisis. As she waited for someone to answer, her tears fell onto the screen, a mix of sadness and relief washing over her.

The voice on the other end was gentle and understanding, offering a lifeline that she desperately needed. It was a small step, a whisper of hope that maybe, just maybe, things could change.

As the night enveloped her room, Elanor drifted into a restless sleep, her dreams filled with images of a world where kindness triumphed over cruelty, and where the bonds of friendship could heal even the deepest wounds.

(Writer notes)

I feel bad for your eyes💀 please do take a break ones awhile!!! Don't strain your eyes 😭🙏

Love scarsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang