Chapter 10

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"Thank you, Azrial.... For everything. "

Before Azrial could respond, Elanor began to unzip her jacket, a motion that caught him by surprise. His heart clenched in his chest as he watched, his mind racing to process what was happening. And then, in a split second, she was gone, disappearing from his grasp.

Shock and panic surged through Azrial as he looked over the edge of the rooftop, his eyes wide with disbelief. He saw Elanor descending, her figure becoming smaller and smaller, until she was lost from view. His heart pounded in his chest, his hands shaking, as he realized the gravity of the situation.

With a surge of desperation, Azrial rushed to the edge, his voice breaking as he called out, "Elanor! No!"

But his cries were met with silence, the sound of the city enveloping him. He stood there, his mind a whirlwind of emotions—fear, sorrow, regret—all crashing over him in a tidal wave.

Tears blurred Azrial's vision as he sank to his knees, his body trembling with a mixture of shock and grief. He felt as though the world around him had shattered, leaving only a void in its wake. The rooftop that had once held moments of connection and understanding was now a haunting reminder of what had been lost.

In that moment of anguish, Azrial's mind was filled with memories of Elanor—her smile, her laughter, the moments of solace they had shared. He thought of her strength, her vulnerability, and the pain she had carried. And now, she was gone.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a bittersweet glow over the city, Azrial felt an overwhelming sense of loss. He wished he could turn back time, change the course of events, and be the person Elanor needed him to be.

He clung to the memory of her smile, the last thing he had seen before she disappeared from his view. It was a testament to the resilience of her spirit, a fleeting moment of happiness that he would carry with him.

Azrial's heart was a cacophony of grief and disbelief as he rushed down the stairs of the rooftop. His breath came in ragged gasps, his mind struggling to process the reality of what had just transpired. And then, as he reached the ground floor, he saw her—Elanor's lifeless body lying there.

The sight hit him like a physical blow, his knees buckling beneath him as he sank to the ground. The world seemed to fade away as he sobbed, his cries echoing in the empty space around him. He cradled Elanor's lifeless form in his arms, his tears falling onto her unmoving face.

Time became a blur as Azrial clung to the only thing he had left of Elanor, her lifeless body a stark reminder of the tragedy that had unfolded. He whispered words of sorrow and regret, his voice breaking with each syllable.

And then, amidst his cries, the distant wail of sirens reached his ears. The sound was like a beacon of hope in the darkness, a sign that help was on its way. But even as the paramedics arrived and gently took Elanor from his arms, Azrial's grief remained palpable.

Azrial's tears fell freely as he whispered to the wind, "I'm so sorry, Elanor."

He watched in a daze as they carefully lifted her onto a stretcher, his heart aching at the finality of the moment. He wanted to hold onto her, to keep her close, but he knew he had to let go.

As the ambulance doors closed and the vehicle pulled away, Azrial was left standing there, a sense of emptiness engulfing him. He looked down at Elanor's jacket, which he still clutched in his hands. Without a second thought, he put it on, the fabric providing a fleeting sense of connection to her.

In the days that followed, Azrial found himself wearing Elanor's jacket like a second skin. It was a bittersweet comfort, a tangible reminder of the girl he had loved and lost. He wore it everywhere, as if it was a shield against the pain that threatened to consume him.

He went through the motions of life, his grief a heavy weight that he carried with him. The jacket became a symbol of his connection to Elanor, a way to keep her memory alive. Every time he put it on, he felt a mixture of sadness and warmth, a reminder of the love they had shared.

In the quiet moments, as he stood on the rooftop or stared out at the city lights, Azrial would touch the fabric of the jacket, his heart heavy with the memories of their time together. He held onto the image of Elanor's smile before she disappeared from his sight, the memory a fragile lifeline of hope amidst the darkness.

Azrial clung to Elanor's jacket like the love they had shared. He wore it as a testament to their connection, a reminder that even in the face of tragedy, love had the power to endure.

"One day Elanor.... We'll live together.... Happily ever after."

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