Chapter 3

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The next morning, Elanor woke up with a mixture of exhaustion and anticipation. The memories of the previous day's events lingered in her mind, both the hurtful words and the comforting conversations. As she got ready for school, she glanced at her phone, hoping for a message from Azrial to start her day on a positive note.

Sure enough, a message notification appeared on the screen:

😆"Good morning, Elanor! Hope you have a great day ahead 👍."

The warmth of his words brought a smile to her lips, and she quickly replied,   

😐"Good morning, Azrial thanks, you too"

As Elanor arrived at school, she couldn't help but feel a bit of nervousness. She knew that facing the bullies and the challenges of the school environment would be a part of her day, but having Azrial's support in the back of her mind was a source of strength.

As the day progressed, Elanor's encounters with Sarah and her gang were less frequent, as if their confidence had been shaken by her newfound resilience. The stares and whispers were still there, but Elanor held her head a little higher, determined not to let their words define her.

During lunchtime, she met Azrial in the courtyard, where they sat under the shade of a tree. The sun's rays filtered through the leaves, casting a warm and comforting glow.

"How's your day going?" Azrial asked, his eyes sincere.

Elanor smiled. "Better than expected, actually. It's like knowing you're in my corner gives me the strength to face whatever comes my way."

Azrial's smile matched hers. "I'm glad to hear that. You've got this, Elanor. You're stronger than you think."

As they talked and laughed, Elanor's worries seemed to melt away. Azrial's presence was like a shield, protecting her from the negativity that had once consumed her.

But the school day eventually came to an end, and Elanor found herself walking home, her thoughts once again turning to the challenges that awaited her. She couldn't ignore the tension that had settled back in her house. Her parents' arguments seemed to intensify, their words cutting through the walls.

As Elanor got home, tension in the house seemed to escalate. Her parents' arguments became more frequent and more intense, their voices a constant backdrop to her daily life. She found herself retreating further into her room, seeking refuge in the world of books and her sketches.

Elanor was hunched over her desk, engrossed in her drawings, her parents' argument reached a new peak. Their shouting was so loud that she could hear their words clearly, the anger and frustration cutting through the walls like a knife.

Tears welled up in Elanor's eyes as she clutched her sketchbook to her chest. She wished she could drown out their voices, the way she drowned out the hurtful words at school. She felt like she was caught in a whirlpool of emotions, unable to escape the turmoil that surrounded her.

As the shouting continued, Elanor's frustration grew. She didn't understand why her parents couldn't see the pain they were causing her, why they couldn't prioritize their family over their disagreements.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Elanor stood up and marched to her bedroom door. With trembling hands, she turned the doorknob and stepped into the hallway. The shouting was even louder now, and she felt a mixture of anger and desperation.

"Can't you see what you're doing?" Elanor's voice trembled as she yelled over the noise. "You're tearing our family apart!"

Her parents' voices faltered as they turned to look at her, their expressions a mix of surprise and frustration. The room fell into an uneasy silence, the weight of Elanor's words hanging heavily in the air.

Her mother's eyes narrowed, her face contorted with anger. "Stay out of this, Elanor. This doesn't concern you."

Elanor's frustration boiled over. She had spent so long feeling invisible, ignored by everyone around her. But now, she refused to be silenced.

"It does concern me! I live here too, and I can't take it anymore," Elanor's voice wavered, a mixture of anger and sadness evident in her tone.

Her father's face turned red, his fists clenched at his sides. "You think you know everything?! You're just a child!."

The words hit Elanor like a slap in the face. She had hoped that her parents would listen, that they would understand the pain they were causing her. But their dismissive attitude shattered that hope into pieces.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Elanor turned and retreated to her room, slamming the door behind her. She sank onto her bed, her chest heaving with sobs. The weight of her struggles, both at school and at home, felt unbearable.

As she buried her face in her hands, her phone buzzed on the bedside table. It was a message from Azrial:

😆"Hey, how's your day going?"

His simple words were like a lifeline, a reminder that there was someone out there who cared about her well-being.

Elanor typed out a response, her fingers trembling:

😐"Not great. My parents... they just don't understand."

Azrial's reply was swift and supportive:

😆"I'm here for you, Elanor. You're not alone in this."

His words brought a sense of comfort, a reminder that even in the midst of her pain, there was a friend who stood by her side. As Elanor wiped away her tears, she realized that she didn't have to face her struggles alone. With Azrial's support and the courage to speak her truth, she would find the strength to navigate the storm that raged around her.

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