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Chapter 25

Christmas Eve, 24th December

Jennie's POV

I finish brushing my teeth before I quietly make my way down the stairs, the wood creaking beneath my feet and the house still dark as it's still early in the morning. Dad didn't allow Lisa to sleep in the same bed nor the same room as me, so he made her sleep on the couch in the living room. I tried to argue with him but being the complete protective father he is, he didn't care. We had a guest room but dad turned it into his own office, and Jimin didn't wanna give up his own room. I tried sneaking down to join her in the middle of the night but Jimin always stayed up late and made sure that I didn't leave my room. I swear both him and dad are being extra annoying. They weren't like this when I was dating Hanbin, maybe cause he was my childhood friend. I'm glad that weird relationship (that only went for two months) didn't last long enough to go further up to tier 15.If you know what I mean. Anyways, where was I.

I walk over to the living room, hearing the sound of the TV playing softly in the background and the illumination off the screen, lighting up the room. I look over to see Lisa laying on her side, her eyes wide open and is snuggled in the thick blankets that mom lent her. Her big doe eyes were on the TV that was playing SpongeBob, looking so into it. I make my way over without her seeing me yet as I plop on top of her, laying flat on her body. Her body flinches as she turns to lay on her back with me still on top of her.

"Hey" she speaks with that sexy morning voice of hers. " What are you doing up so early?" she questions as I maneuver around to move under the blankets, feeling her body heat as I lay flat on top of her, with both my legs on both sides of her and resting my head on her clothed chest.

"To see you" I snuggle impossibly closer as her fingers comb through my hair in a relaxing way, making me close my eyes from the feeling. "Did you use the bathroom?"

"Yeah, why?"

"So you're the one that stunk up the whole room with your shit?"

"No I didn't"

"Yeah you did, your poop stinks" I scrunch up my nose.

"Why? Does yours smell good?"


"Exactly" She sighs, continuing to play with my hair. "Your dad's gonna whip my ass if he finds you laying on top of me like this" She chuckles.

"Trust me, he can't even hurt a fly... Why does your breath always smell good in the morning, I know I've asked you before but seriously, why? I mean, you can't always have the energy to brush your teeth the first thing in the morning"

"I eat mints in my sleep"

I lift my head up from her chest, narrowing my eyes at her. "You're very... Peculiar"

"I know, that's what makes me unique and attractive in many ways compared to the world. A cruel reality am I right? It's not everyday that God creates someone like moi, beautiful both inside and out. I understand how you feel since not everyone is blessed as I am" She sighs in fake pity.

"And you used this so called blessing to sleep around?" I raise an eyebrow at her as I lift my upper body off of her but stay straddling her hips, the blanket falling off my back.

"I mean put it this way Jen" She smirks as she rests her hands on my thighs. "Why do people put works of art in museums? It is so that they could share beauty with the world. And those born beautiful should promote other beautiful things. Imagine all those girls, thirsty and looking day and night, pursuing beauty. Therefore I stopped their search and fulfilled their desires...in every kind of position."

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