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    I woke up and got ready for school. I walked out the door and walked to school. Tyler ran up to me while I was walking. "So uhh- remember what happened yesterday?" He said, out of breath. I turned red. "Oh, uh- yeah.." I smiled slightly. "Well- I was wondering if you would wanna go out with me sometime-" He said, flustered. I stopped dead in my tracks. "I-i-," I studdered. "I would love to!" I grinned. "Wow- so where do you wanna go?" He said, a large grin on his face. We started walking again. I thought about it for a few seconds. "Well, how about that new diner that just opened up? I heard that it had some good food!" I suggested. He agreed.


     We reached the school and we had to go to our different classes. We only had one class together. I tried to focus in class, but it was hard because I could only think about him. "Sooo- you and Tyler??" Jamie said, with her annoying cheesy smile. "Uh- we're just friends." I laughed awkwardly. "I feel like you guys would be such a cute couple!" She teased me. I blushed. "Hah- maybe." I smiled nervously. She chuckled like she had a plan. The class went by like normal, just slower.

     Between classes, I went to my locker to get stuff for my English class. Tyler came up to me. It was a pleasant surprise. "Oh- hi!" I said with a sparkle in my eyes. "Hey Mi!" He smiled. I hugged him. "I never asked you- what time are you gonna come over?" He asked. "Well, we can go over there right after school if that's fine with you!" I said. "Alright, see you at lunch!" I hugged him. "Bye!"

         The next class went by even slower. The work was boring, and I just wanted to get this class over with. I ended up falling asleep at my desk. The teacher walked up to me and woke me up. "Mia, wake up!" She shook me. I yawned. "S-sorry." I said, tired. It was almost the end of class. As soon as the bell rang, I rushed out of class to my locker. I saw that Tyler got out early and was already at my locker. We walked up to the lunchroom together.

    Tyler grasped my hand while we walked. I let him hold my hand. I blushed a bit and smiled at him, and he smiled back at me. We got lunch at we sat down at the table with the least people. Jamie came over and sat down with us. "Just friends- huh?" She teased. I turned red. "Yes. We're just friends." I reassured her. I looked over at Tyler, signaling to him that he should say something as well. "Bro- just leave us alone about it." He rolled his eyes. "Finee-" Jamie groaned childishly. Jamie watched us while we ate, so we couldn't talk about our date. "Sooo- you guys are 'friends' now- huh?" She said, putting heavy emphasis on the "friends." "Yep. Why?" Tyler said. "Well- I think you guys would be better as a couple!" She smiled. Me and him both turned red. "Wow- you think?" He said, smiling, looking over at me. I think she could tell we had some chemistry between us.


     After lunch, we went to our class. He sat in the desk next to me. We worked together on our essay. We almost finished it in class together. Time went by fast because I was working with him. I caught myself daydreaming about him while he was right there. After that class was done, I walked to my other class with him, and then he left to go to his class. The next two classes went by even slower. I tried doing my work, but I couldn't help but think and daydream about him. I could barely focus. After those classes were done, I basically ran out the door with my stuff. I waited for him by the locker patiently. I saw him walk down the hallway to my locker. We walked out of school together.

       I had to get ready, so I went home. I did my hair, put on some perfume, and put on a pretty black dress. I was scared but excited. This is my first official date, and it's with somebody I actually love. I did my makeup all pretty. I knew my mom would know something fishy was going on, so I had to sneak out. I used the ladder out my window and climbed down. I shut my window, and I ran towards his house in my high heels. He wasn't really dressed up fancy, but that was OK. "You look really pretty." He said with a small smile. I still got flustered. "Oh- thanks!" I grinned.

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