chapter 3

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Hey, I hope you read this. I know it's short but I'm tired and yeh. Sorry.

Read on xx


Chapter 3

The ride to school was probably one of the most distracting and awkward drives of my life. I could feel Aidan staring at me most of the time and I began to believe I had something on my face. Anyway, by the time we got to school I felt like jumping out and kissing the ground... Turns out my impulsive behaviour made me do just that.

"Umm, what exactly are you doing Cally?" Mr hot voice said.

"Uh you know, just sniffing the ground, what you don't do it? Man I'm surprised, it's the new thing these days.." I said awkwardly.

I turned around and walked away from Aidan. Might as well stop the embarrassment from going any further, right?


First period. One word. Torture.

Maths was the one class I had none of my friends to talk to so its no surprise I ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell went. I walked to my locker and saw the long, brown hair of my best friend since kindy. Lucy Jones.

I kept my steps light and slowly crept towards her. Not even my shoes squeaked, yet before I was even a metre away, she spoke.

"Calla, you should have learnt by now. You cannot scare me, I am too amazing," she turned around with a smirk.

I just shrugged. "I can't understand how you can tell every time! I wasn't even making a sound!"

"I could hear you breathing, hun. That is something you should not try to stop because I do not want you to die in the middle of the school hallway."

I let out a long breath of defeat. Lucy came and wrapped her arm though mine.

"C'monnnn. Time to learn." She spoke.

I trudged alongside her as we made our way to English.


I let my head fall down on the desk. I'm sitting here in biology, period 4, feeling like I'm in a sauna. When I try concentrate on the board I just see blurs instead of words. I was feeling okay this morning but right now I feel like crap. I feel Lucy nudge me from her spot next to me. I lift my head, slowly as I swear It weighs a tonne. Instead of seeing Lucy, I see Lucy no. 1 and Lucy no. 2. I think she was telling me something but I just heard muffled voices.

I just laid my head back down and drifted off.


Finally. I can leave. Though I don't feel as bad as before, I still feel really bad right now. I walk to my locker to get my books and don't even notice the back until I run into it. I stand for a second, rubbing my nose before I look up. And up. Surely I would have smelt him but I guess my nose is blocked or something.

I'm too tired to talk right now so I just walk around him to my locker. Books in hand, I make my way to the car. As I'm about to get in the seat, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"did you forget? I need you to take me back to your place, I need to speak to your dad."

"mm. Sorry" I mumbled.

We got into the car and started the drive home. I could feel myself slowly getting sicker as I drove, sweat sliding down my back and my hair sticking to my forehead. I couldn't concentrate properly and when driving, is not good. I think Aidan noticed that something wasn't quite right and I could feel him watching me closely.

Thankfully, we got home without me killing us both. Without waiting for Aidan, I got out of the car and made my way to my room, completely ignoring my dad as I went. Too sick to bother. As soon as I opened my bedroom door, I had to race to my ensuite where I promptly threw up the contents of my stomach, which was not very much to tell you the truth.

I slumped over and rested against the side of the bath. I couldn't open my eyes as it was too much effort.

"Hey Cally, are you aright in the- oh crap, what happened to you?" I hear someone say. I couldn't tell who with my eyes shut and the voice was slightly muffled. But whoever spoke, had a voice that send chills down my clammy arms.

I felt someone place there hand on my forehead before quickly removing it. All I could do then was moan in pain. I felt my head become light before I just gave up and slept.

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