Chapter 1

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A/N- okay so next chapter.i hope you like it. I'm still trying out this story so any feedback would be good. Read on xx


Chapter 1

I woke up in a sweat, breathing as if I had run a marathon. This was by far the worst nightmare i've had in my sixteen years of life. Well maybe it doesn't seem that bad to you guys but to me it is starting to freak me out. Yeh, you might be thinking 'why the hell is she freaking out about one dream?' Well, the thing is that while it may only be one dream, it has played in my mind every single night for the past three months.

i think the sleep deprivation is messing with my mind a bit. i have such a short fuse lately and the tiniest thing sets me off and I feel as though im slowly getting more and more tired each day.

No, I am not pregnant, I mean I'm still a virgin anyway so unless I'm the new mother mary, then I highly doubt there is a human growing inside of me.

Anyway, I look out the window and see that it is still dark. What's the time? I have no idea. My alarm clock is still broken from when I threw it at the wall when it wouldn't shut up.

I head downstairs for some water and hear the t.v playing some kind of boring infomercial in the living room so I take my water and go have a look.

What I see makes me silently giggle. There, laying upside down on the sofa is my snoring father. I honestly don't know how he manages to sleep like that but nevertheless I wake him up and coax him to bed. I slowly follow him though as I can feel myself getting tired again.

I don't have to worry about the nightmare as they only come once every night. i slowly drift off to sleep wondering how in the world I'm going to get up for school tomorrow.


I woke up to the smell of bacon and something else that I can't put my finger on. It smelled so damn delicious that I immediately ran downstairs not caring what I looked like, just desperate to find what on eath my dad is cooking.

I jump off the last stair and calmly walk into the kitchen pretending that I wasn't just running around like a headless chicken. My dad is standing at the stove sizzling the bacon which explains one heavenly scent but not the other delicious one. My dad is not too old but far from young. He is around forty I think, so he's still pretty cool.

"Morning sweetie, how was your sleep?" He asks

"Terrible, I had that dream again" I muttered, sitting down at the counter.

"Hm I think that we should get you to see someone about that" he said mockingly. He has this joke with himself that I'm mentally insane.

"See someone about what?" A new voice says. And boy is it an amazing voice. When I breathe in, I fight the urge to moan. The strange thing is that when I turn around, it's coming a guy standing at the door. not just any guy, obviously some sort of descendant of Adonis. wait. um oops, i have now realised i have been staring at this god for uh quite a while... I cant help but look at the rest of him trying not to drool. He is wearing a tight black t-shirt that shows his sculpted muscles and dark black Levi's. Jeeze, I must look like an idiot. i calmly turn back around to face my Dad.

" ahem, uh what we're you two saying about getting someone checked out?" He said.

" Well i was just commenting on my daughters growing insanity." My father oh so kindly said.

I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Anyway, Cally, this here is my friend Robert's son Aidan. I was just discussing some things with him before." Dad said.

Him and the god started staring at eachother and honestly, it looked as though they were professing their undying love for eachother with their eyes.

"Well then, you guys can keeps being weird while I go get dressed and head of to school," I said before bounding up the stairs to my room.

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