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A/N - I know this chapter is short but it was just a starter to help me get ideas and see how many people would read it. Anyway read on please xx



I was running. I don't know where but it felt like it was somewhere important. The branches and twigs were scratching at my arms but still i did not stop. I heard some leaves crunching from behind me which makes me believe that i'm not running towards something but I'm running away. I turn my head to see whats chasing me but all i see are two bright red eyes in the darkness. I turn back around and just like every cliche in the books, i tripped. Yeh i know lame right. I crawl backwards keeping my eye on the thing chasing me. It had stopped running and was now just stalking me, slowly creeping forward. Then i noticed that it was not just any animal but a midnight black wolf. I tried to get up but then it lunged...

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