Chapter 2

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A/N-sorry its another short one but I'm just getting into the flow of the story so I will try to make them longer in the future. Read on xx


Chapter 2

When i was dressed in simple jeans and a shirt, I stepped into some black hi-tops and ran down the stairs. I think I'm making a habit of that.

I reach the kitchen and see my dad eating at the counter. Aiden was still standing at the door talking casually to my dad about something. I caught the words 'she's close' and 'changing' but I have no clue what it could mean. They still didn't know I was here until I knocked on the wall lightly. I put on a smile when they both looked my way.

"I'm just going to head off to school okay?" I said.

My dad nods, "okay sweetie well make sure your not late today"

I chuckle, " I can't promise that dad but ill see you later."

I start to walk to the door when I remember Aiden standing there.

"Uh bye Aiden" I say with a wave. And with that I head out the door and into my car. I just sit with my head on the wheel thinking of how stupid I must have sounded. I feel like I'm fan girling right now and that, my friends, is not a good feeling.

I was startled out of my thinking from a knock on the window. I looked over and saw Aiden himself standing there with a slight smile on his face.

I rolled down the window and just looked at him. He rested his suntanned arms on the door and dipped his head a bit, considering how bloody tall he is.

"Hey, I'm starting at the school here and was wondering if you could take me with you? My car hasn't arrived yet from my old place." He asked.

I just nodded, fearing that if I opened my mouth I would say some stupid thing involving how gorgeous he was. As he walked around the car I took a moment to take some deep breaths to compose myself. Pft, like that helped, I just breathed in a whole heap of his delicious smell.

Oh Lord, help me get through this day.

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