Silver Spoon/Candle | Melodies

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Word Count: 1,307
Tags: Meditation, fluff, pet-names, Silver Spoon-centric

Despite the tacky orange walls and displeasing red carpeting floor, Silver Spoon had to admit- Candle had a certain way of decorating that made her room much more unique than all of the other inhabitants here.

There was something so endearing about seeing the black-out curtains with cartoonish webbing patterned on it, an extra carpet that was a deep purple- matching the reds. There's a poster on the wall of an obscure band that Silver Spoon is unfamiliar with, which wasn't surprising since the majority of what he listens to is classical or musical theatre. Along with that, her desk is littered with trinkets, candles adorned with fancy crystals varying in shapes and sizes; an altar with a neat cloth to allow all of Candle's gifts to present gorgeously.

He's not one for this, yet it's always a pleasure to see Candle indulge in such an activity. Something so personal and dear to her.

"What's on your mind, Silver?" Candle spoke up from where she resided, on her bed with her legs crossed and hands neatly perched upon her knees. Her form perfectly balanced, the same form she has practiced over and over for years now.

"Ah- just admiring the decoration. Is that a new crystal I see:" Silver made his way towards the bed, taking note of a new crystal adorning the altar, sitting beside a lovely arrange of more crystals.

"I'm glad that you enjoy it," She smiled, opening her eyes. "It's a rose quartz in the cut of a flame. Beautiful, isn't it?"

He nodded, soaking up in all of the intricate details of pinks and whites. It was absolutely ethereal, yet Silver Spoon didn't come here to look at pretty crystals, as much fun as it sounds. "Quite!" He agreed.

"Come along now," Candle nodded, "We shouldn't stall any longer, I'm sure you have matters to attend to after this."

Silver Spoon slipped off his heeled shoes, sitting them by the bed as he mirrored Candle's pose. Crossing his legs, perching his hands.

If you told him years ago that this is what he was going to spend his days on, he could have claimed it as a preposterous claim. He wasn't one to believe in psychics nor chakras of the slap bracelet kind, the supernatural always seemed disinteresting to such a person like Silver. Yet, after meeting Candle and getting to know her on such a personal level, that... Changed him. Drastically.

"No peeking." Candle said cheekily, closing her eyes. Silver let out a joking yet incredulous noise- a weird mixture of a grunt and a sigh- yet he followed suit.

They have done this a multitude of times to the point where Silver knew what to do, yet, there was something special about Candle leading him along, letting him know what to do. Her voice had a certain charm to it, unmatched by anyone else; especially when it was just them, alone. Silver Spoon felt as if he was only privy to this side of Candle, where they could just co-exist and just be themselves.

No barriers, no walls. Just shamelessly themselves, as it was always meant to be.

"Now, take in a deep breath and feel your soul unburden." Candle prompted, demonstrating with her own breath. Lungs expanding, Silver Spoon followed her example without any qualms. "Release that air and feel your mind and soul aligning- that you, yourself, is here. Grounded as one."

He settles, relaxes as he lets out a long exhale.

The psychic hummed her approval, "We are often lost inside of our own thoughts to the point where we lose the connection between our heart and spirit. Now think, what had been troubling you lately?"

Silver takes a moment to ponder. Whenever faced with this question, he always funds himself stalling, finds himself digging through his mind for an answer.

He could give an automatic response, yes, but this exercise was to be true to himself and others.

When he finds his answer, Silver Spoon does not respond verbally.

Candle is tuned to him, able to notice the slightest twitch. It's what makes her so good at what she does, even if unintentional. "I see," She says, despite knowing that Silver never vocalized his doubts, but she continues nonetheless. "And where do you feel that stress in your body? Where does the tension build up?"

"...In my chest," Silver pauses, "Along with my head."

"And how does it feel?"

"It's akin to a heavy weight, in my chest." His closed eyes offer a heavy blanket; he will never admit this to anyone, no. Only to Candle, and Candle only. "My chest feels like it's being squeezed, as if I'm not able to... Break free."

"How about your head?"

"Mmh, a tight band. It's awfully uncomfortable."

"Understandably so. Take another seep breath in and focus on the burden upon your chest. Feel that air center and manifest, think about that worry shelled so deep inside of you."

Silver follows her instruction, feeling the burden digging deep in his chest begin to unravel.

When he first started meditating with Candle, he couldn't see the point in breathing exercises. However, every session with her has left him feeling relieved.

As he takes in this deep breath, he notes the subtle hints of lavender and sage, pleasant and soft. Strong enough to let its presence be known by those who have opened their minds.

Despite focusing his attention on how his body is feeling, he notices the sensations around him. How the serene air and Candle's aura seems to lull him to a place where he often finds it difficult to reach. A place that Candle has been able to unlock.

"Let out that air, feel that pressure dissipate like it was never there. That stress weighing you down, unraveling slowly with each breath you take." A moment passes. "How do you feel?"

Silver is metaphorically floating, pleasantly away from the reality that tends to drag him down. "I feel... Lighter."

"Good," Candle says with a smile in her voice, and a part of Silver preens at the praise. "Let us repeat that; this time, for your head. I'm sure for as someone as royal as you, you must have a lot on your mind."

"Oh, how flattering." Silver let out a small laugh, the both of them ignoring how he wasn't truly royalty. Yet, he repeats the action.

Inhaling deep and focusing on how his head feels- the tension that has settled there for so long- Silver zones in on the burden that has plagued him many times, to the point where this feeling wasn't at all foreign. He imagines the feeling changing, twisting into something unruly, something unfit.

And when he breathes out, it seems like the feeling itself disappears, because it has.

It's taken it's time to get to know Silver, and now was the time for it to part.

"You may open your eyes now."

Silver blinks rapidly as his vision adjusts to a change of light, "Thank you for your assistance, my dear." Taking her hand in his, he plants a small yet meaningful kiss to the pack of her palm- calloused from so many years of work.

Bashful, Candle hides her blush with a quiet chuckle. "Ever so formal, but I must thank you for coming to me. I'm happy knowing that my methods have helped you."

Sill holding onto her hand, Silver ran his finger along her knuckles. "Of course, your work has helped me tremendously. More than you could imagine." Silver couldn't thank her enough, yet Candle wholeheartedly understood.

They are both glad to have found each other.

"I'll be seeing you the same time next week?" Candle asks.

With a nod, Silver stands and slips on his heeled shoes with practiced ease.

"I wouldn't trade it for the world, my dear."

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