Trophy/Tissues | Our Song

19 0 0

Word Count: 1,220
Tags: Fluff, cuddling, watching movies.

Tissues is non-binary and uses she/her pronouns.

Our Song

Tissues and Trophy were an unlikely pair that came out of Hotel OJ.

Although they were roomed together, they both had extremely contrasting personalities, that often times seemed to clash against each other.

Trophy, who was often out and about; if not, then he was lazing away.

And Tissues, who was often in and out of the infirmary due to her condition. Yet, once she was out, she more often than not lazed around, too.

Particularly with Trophy. They were roommates, after all.

With a pathetic sounding sneeze, Tissues groaned out in exasperation.

"Are you flaring up?" Trophy asked, looking beside him to get a good look at Tissues. Sharing Tissues' bed for the time being, the laptop stationed between the both of them was angled perfectly so that they have an equal viewing experience.

It was a horror movie requested by Tissues, despite the lighthearted protests of Trophy.

(If Tissues were being honest, she thought that Trophy getting spooked as a bit of a cute sight to see.)

"Yeah," Tissues answered in her usual nasally drawl, "Just a little bit. The doctor is a bit tired of me talking, I think."

"Anyone would be," The jock said, although there was no heat in his words. Pausing the movie and getting up from the bed, the blanket fell just enough to expose half of Tissues' body to the cold air- to which she shivered at.

"My bad." He apologized, pulling the covers up to tuck in Tissues back to the position it originally was.

Sinking into the bed, Tissues let out a soft sigh.

"I'll be right back. If you're flaring up, then I'm guessing you're also congested?" Trophy questioned, turning once he got a nod from her.

With a click! Trophy turned on their shared humidifier, the soft whoosh of air a welcoming and familiar sound. Thankfully the humidifier was relatively cheap yet worked in perfect condition, Trophy remembers how Tissues disliked spending an excessive amount of money only for something to not be as good as it's price suggests.

Shutting the door to their shared room quietly, Trophy walked along the hallways of the hotel before making it to the kitchen. No one was there, considering how late it was, and Trophy was glad for the lack of people.

Boiling some water up with an electric kettle, Trophy grabbed two bags of chrysanthemum tea along with a pair of mugs that had matching images of cartoon cats on them.

It had been a gift for Tissues that Trophy gave to her in private once Christmas had hit, which was when her condition tends to worsen due to the drastic temperature change.

Once the water finished boiling, the steam rose to ceiling. Trophy took a moment to just breathe in, having heard somewhere that steamy air helped with clearing sinuses.

Pouring the freshly boiled water into the mugs and ripping open the packets of bagged tea, Trophy watched as the bags slowly sunk to the bottom of the mugs.

With a quick stir and some sugar, Trophy cleaned everything that showed that he was there before grabbing the mugs, going back up the stairs to where he'll see Tissues again.

Upon noticing his arrival, Tissues smiled. "Where'd you go? You left me staring at the pause screen for awhile."

Rolling his eyes fondly, Trophy motioned for Tissues to sit up before handing her a mug. "I went to make tea. To help with your throat and nose."

It's not a permanent solution, no, but it was enough to quell her problems for a short, good while.

Sitting back on the bed, Trophy's thigh touched Tissues', his weight making the mattress dip slightly.

"Mmh," Tissues hummed, taking a whiff of the tea before having a sip. It wasn't as sweet as she'd like, yet she appreciated anything made by Trophy.

She also appreciates being able to hang out with Trophy without him feeling the need to keep his guard up. Of course, he can still be a bit hotheaded and have that tough-guy persona that the inhabitants at the hotel always see, but Tissues liked it when it was just them, alone, without anyone to interfere or judge.

It was something private, something that Tissues kept dear to her heart.

Pressing play on the laptop, Trophy and Tissues watched in quiet. Sometimes, the both of them jumped when a particularly suspenseful scene was happening. Sometimes, one of them chimed in at certain parts, just to give their opinion, before they were once again quiet.

And once the movie ended, the two sat in silence as Tissues shut the laptop, with Trophy moving their things onto the bedside table.

"That all for today?" Tissues leaned into Trophy's side, enjoying the warmth that radiated from him. "I thought that movie was funny."

"Tissues, that's a horror movie, not a sitcom." He leaned back into Tissues' contact, "But yeah, unless you want to do somethin' else."

Glancing at the digital clock, (the both of them hated reading analog clocks with a burning passion) Tissues shook her head before lying down and the bed, taking Trophy with her. Trophy allowed his head to gracefully hit the pillow, turning on his side so that he faced Tissues.

Tissues mirrored his position on the bed, before reaching out for Trophy's hand.

Usually, Trophy went up to sleep in his own bed. Usually, he'd get up from their daily movie night to prepare for his morning before it actually started. Yet, never before did he just lay with Tissues, never allowed himself to just soak up in her presence until now.

...A part of him actually enjoyed it a lot, now that he knew Tissues was fine with it.

At first, Trophy thought that Tissues wanted to hold hands, so he enclosed his hand with Tissues', however that didn't seem to be the case.

Instead, she started to fidget with his hand. Running her fingers along Trophy's, feeling the bitten texture of his fingernails, taking in the polished shine of his metallic skin.

A part of Trophy thought that love would be loud proclaims shouted from rooftops, something treated as taboo and dramatic, while at the same time being chased after. He imagined that love would be loud wedding bells and heart-stamped letters along with paragraphs upon paragraphs of gushing unabashed love for one another; an item to cherish and an item yearning for cherishing.

Trophy never considered that love could also be this, with Tissues just playing around with his fingers, a mutual acceptance that they were just comfortable around each other. Comfortable enough in order to touch each other in such a domestic way that it welled Trophy's heart up.

The fidgeting had stopped after a couple of moments before Tissues leaned forward, wrapping her arms around the man and resting her head in his chest. Trophy warmed up immediately to the touch, hugging her back.

"'M fine with just doing this," Tissues said, a mere whisper that was quiet enough to get rid of her nasally tone, "Fine with just laying with you."

Fighting back a yawn, Trophy found himself agreeing. "Yeah, it's nice. We don't need to do anythin', I think... I think this is enough."

With a smile, Tissues sink deeper into Trophy's embrace. "Glad you think so, too, Trophy."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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