Chapter 2: Shadows

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Outside, the crickets were chirping, the leaves were rustling quietly, and there was a gentle breeze in the humid hair. Twigs and dirt crunched beneath your feet. The sky was a deep purple blue with twinkling stars dotting the skies. The bright moon was being passed by moving clouds, creating moments of shadow and it was three quarters full.

"Do you know if they brought drinks?" Johnny asked as he looked around at the cabins and huts. The large house at the beggining of the camp had just one dim glow in one room upstairs which he looked back at, turning a full 360.
"I wasn't really listening," You replied honestly as your friends' cabin came closer into view, your legs working a little harder to push you up the steady steepness increase along the side of the small hill. You looked aside to Johnny to catch him looking at you for a split second, but he instantaneously looked away torwards the cabin. A small smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you walked side by side.

"Okay," You said at a low whisper, leaning in to Johnny, "You ready? Just poke your head in the window, make sure they see you, then we run like hell. Stay silent."
Johnny grinned brightly. He seemed a little too excited. Strange since he didn't strike as the type of person to prank people, especially not like this. Then again, neither did you, a quiet, geeky, edgy boy who usually kept to himself. You felt anxiety rise up in your chest about seeing Jake in bed with his girl. It wasn't gonna feel good, but what better way to deal with it than head on?

You both crept up to the cabin, crouching low, being as quiet as possible. One of you beneath each window by the front of the cabin, the door between you both, you looked at each other and nodded as you took in a deep breath. You both poked your heads up in the window. Inside was dark as well with no lights on. You concentrated to see if they were awake but there was no movement from the single beds. There was the shape of them cuddling together in the right one beneath the blankets, and your heart sank seeing them. Your eyes wandered away before you started walking behind Johnny and you tugged on his t-shirt sleeve, whispering, "Come on. Let's go meet the girls."

Johnny followed you. "Damn, they're actually asleep. I kind of didn't expect that." He followed behind you and jogged to come up next to you, his eyes shifting to the side at you before looking forward again.
"Me neither."

It only took about ten minutes to get to the edge of the Lake where the girls were. They'd headed to a further side of it so they could make a little noise without alerting anyone at camp. You weren't meant to be out here. If anyone found out, there might be hell to pay.

The girls, who were a small spec in the sparkling lake, soon became clear and close. Tiffany was wearing a purple bikini, treading water besides Christie who... You squinted... was wearing- no bikini? Not that you expected much but somehow she went below your expectations.
"Hey boys!" She called out in her high pitch, waving with a smile.
Johnny's face blushed as you turned to look at him. It made a little smirk tug at your lips. So he was a shy boy. Adorable.
"Uh-hey, Christie," He responded back politely.
"Hey," Tiff greeted you both a little more calmly than her presumed bestie. They seemed so different, it was a wonder they were friends at all. You pulled your hand out of a pocket and waved lazily at the girls before looking around at the treeline. It was so dark. Shadows amongst shadows. You could swear it looks like the darkness moved.
"Come on in! Y/n!" Tiff encouraged you personally, breaking you out of your stare.
"Hm? Oh- uh- heh, I-I don't know. I don't really wanna go in there. I'll sit on the edge though."
There was a pier nearby, so you walked that way, with Johnny following you like a lost puppy again. The wood clunked quietly beneath you and Johnny, and you sat down with your legs cross, leaning back on your hands.

"Come on Johnny, get in." Christie said, swimming closer to the pier with Tiffany. You averted your gaze but frowned when something caught your eye in your peripherals in the tree line opposite you all on the other side of the lake. Your head snapped to it and you looked hard into the darkness... And then a shadow blending in with all the other shadows suddenly moved behind a tree.
You stared at the tree for a while but nothing came back out. You looked at the others. Now, Johnny was dipping his feet in the water.
"That's freezing! How are you guys in that!?" He exclaimed, slowly trying to inch his ankles in.

Friday The 13th: Male Pov, Fem!JasonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora