Chapter 6 ''Explain what exatcly?''

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~ Fabio POV ~

Marc looks at Fabio ''Mate i can explain-''

Fabio ''Explain what exactly? That you knew where Y/n was all those years and the fact that you hid it from me? I though we were friends Marc, didnt expect that from you.'' says while looking at Marc & Y/n angry

Marc ''Fabio-''

Fabio ''No, i dont want to hear it, how could you? I cried on your shoulders, i though you guys were my friends, and what did you do? you lied to my face! How could you do it so easily?''

Τears started falling from Y/n's eyes as she heard how heartbroken Fabio was.

Y/n ''Fabio, i told him to not tell you anything, i made him promise that he would not tell you anything about me, bc thats what i though it was right-''

Fabio ''Thats what YOU though it was right? Y/n i was heartbroken! You had left me, over some stupid thing Charlotte did to us! You left without telling me anything! No reason, NOTHING!''

Y/n ''I gave you-''

Fabio ''A fucking letter- what i am going to do with a letter from you Y/n? you though i could live without you'' Shit...

Now Y/n and Fabio had both started crying

Y/n ''F-Fabio-''

Fabio ''Who knows, maybe all this time you were just in love with Marc, thats why he knew everything right? Maybe you used me to get closer to Marc!''

Marc ''Hey man! Now you are taking too far!-''

Fabio ''Now im the one who took it too far? Didnt u took it too far, when you kept lying to my face, when you knew the whole truth?''

Marc ''Yes but that does not mean i wanted it! Y/n asked me to not tell anyone about it, so i just respected her decision Fabio!''

Heidi ''Its not just Marc who knew where Y/n was all this time...'' Daniel & Fabio look at her

Daniel ''Heidi, come on now, you knew?... this whole time?''

Heidi nods her head ''Im sorry...''

Fabio ''Wow'' is all he said

Y/n ''Im sorry'' she says turning away walking away, going back to her house, still crying-now there was only Fabio,Charles,Lorenzo,Heidi & Marc, the others went to Y/n-

Charles ''Why you two cant just talk?! Why do u always have to fight huh?''

Fabio ''They lied to me-''

Charles ''Damn right they lied to you Fabio! They did it for own good! Y/n though that was good for you, so thats what she did! Marc is right, he wanted to tell you alot of times! No one is wrong here Fabio. You are right to think that we all lied to you but, there was a reason behind it ok?''

Brutal Hearts ! y/n x fabio quartararoWhere stories live. Discover now