family reunion

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Monday 9:30 am august 10 1980 tulsa, Oklahoma
As i pull into the driveway of my house i get a little pit of nervous in my stomach. it's not that i'm scared to see them but i am, i have mixed emotions. i park my car and grab my bags, i walk up to the door and i knock lightly but loud enough that someone could hear. Angela answers and almost screams when she sees me she pulls me into a tight hug and calls tim and curly too the door.
they come running down and i almost get pushed over with how hard curly runs into my arms. I was always close with the three of them for different reasons but i had a good with relationship with all of them.
"oh my gosh i missed you case"
"i missed you too curly" i smile into his head seeming as i'm an inch taller then him and angela but an inch shorter then tim.
Me and curly let go and i look behind them at tim, i smile and he opens his arms. At this point my bags are on the floor so i run and jump into his arms
"i missed you so much tim"
"i missed you too casey"

It's been about an hour since our family reunion and i've put almost everything away in my room when tim knocks on the door.
"come in" i say
he comes in and sits on the chair i have at my vanity.
"so how was the ride down?"
"it was good, i stopped at the dx and met the curtis gang"
"oh" he chuckles
"how did they react when you told em you was a shepard"
"they were shocked and that dallas guy said you never told em you had two hot sisters" i laugh as i spin in my desk chair.
"he's so annoying i'll tell ya he's always slashin my tires and shit" i chuckle
tim leaves my room and i just relax on my bed for about 2 and half hours reading with nothing better to due, i ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to screaming, as i get up and head out to the living room i see tim and angela in a full on screaming match.
"your such an ass tim you can't ever let me have a little fun but curly can do what ever the hell he wants whenever he wants because he's your favorite, he gets to be apart of your little gang of hoods but i have to be back by 9:00 pm and i have to stay away from your gang and certain places become their to quote on quote dangerous for a girl like me, it's not because im a girl it's because im a shepard and you've made this reputation for us and i've been ruined, my whole life as been ruined by your stupid reputation for us shepards" she screams almost in tears. tim looks like he's gonna blow, at this point curlys standing next to me watching as am i.
"you know what you little brat, it is not my fault that your a shepherd hell you ruin the shepherd reputation going out and having sex with any guy who looks at you, you and your daddy issues are talked about to me time after time, im told hey tim apparently angela and whoever had sex at the party last night, your known as the shepherd whore to everyone on the street." "you going off with dallas god damn winston of all people when you know about his reputation and what he does with girls but you didn't care you slept with him and then he threw you to the curb like you were some slut and hell at this point you are" tim screams so loud the neighbors are probably just as invested as me and curly. What i didn't know was that the curtis's house wasn't far and that the whole gang could hear what happened and what was gonna happen next.
"tim what the hell, you didn't have to call her a slut or a whore thats unreasonable" i yell
angela runs out the door with all three of us following her. Tim grabs her arm and turns her around to face him in the front yard
"what cat got your tongue now angela?" "you didn't have a comeback this time?" "huh" "huh" he yells in her face while she's basically sobbing at this point.
"tim knock it off" i yell, at this point people are looking through windows and standing on porches like the curtis gang just watching the wrath of the shepard anger unfold onto each other. we may love each other but when theirs an argument the shepards are crazy, they throw things, break things and yell and hit. You never wanna be in an argument or jump into one when it's with a shepard.
"you don't even know what's going on casey just leave it alone"
"no tim what the hell you don't have to be such an ass, she's 16 she can sleep with whoever she wants"
"not dallas winston, you don't know the half of what he's capable of or what he does to girls"
"that's how she learns tim, come on leave her be"
"ya know just because your back and better, your this new version of yourself doesn't make you any older then me, im the adult here not you casey so butt out" "no tim im not gonna just butt out because im back and i'm apart of this family whether you like it or not. you act like i haven't done my research on the people you've talked about, okay i know that dallas winston has a mile long criminal record and how he sleeps with you then never talks to you again okay i get it i do but yelling at her isn't gonna do any justice and you angela yelling at him because he has rules to keep you safe isn't gonna do anything either and i may be younger then you tim but your so hot headed that you can't see you need help and the help your gonna get is from me so angela get your ass in the house and into your room, go do the homework i know you have and don't come out until it's all finished and i mean everything angela everything that's missing or late and tim go take a nap or a shower or hell go for a drive to cool down, does everyone freaking understand" i yell
"yes ma'am" angela says walking into the house
"okay fine, fine i need help i'm gonna go shower"
"great curly go back to whatever you were doing beforehand" he nods and walks in the house.
im left standing outside the house with my hands on my hips when i turn my attention away from the house and across the street to see the entire curtis gang on the porch either mouths open, lips smirking or eyes wide staring at what just disassembled.
I sigh and walk back into the house, slamming the door and locking it. I walk to the kitchen to start lunch dinner breakfast whatever the hell the house's inhabitants wanna call it.

ooo i like this chapter haha the shepards are seriously messed up.

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