new friends

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Tuesday 7:30am
I woke up to my alarm beeping loudly making me aggravated. I slung my feet over the bed and let them hit the cold hard wood floor with a creak from the floor boards. I fix up my bed then head into the bathroom that's connected to my room, i pee, brush my teeth and hair after i wash my face with some cold water. As i'm trying to pick out an outfit for the day my mind keeps drifting towards the curtis gang and how undeniably attractive they all were, i get the chills. I pick out a band t shirt and a pair of jeans to throw on with some crew socks and my white tennis shoes. I throw on some chapstick and put my nose stud back in. Then i head downstairs to make breakfast, i notice that tim's car isn't in the driveway but oh well mine was in the garage so at least he took his own car to wherever he was off too.

I quickly realized no one was home though i thought it was weird the twins were both up and gone at 7 in the morning i shrugged it off and ate my cereal. After i finished i decided to go knock on the curtis's door to talk about what they say yesterday. I make my way over and i hear laughter and i can also see seven figures in the window so they are all here. I knock and johnny comes to the door and offers me in. They all turn and look at me.
"what you doing here baby" dally say's smirking
"oh why i'm here to have sex with you hottie" i say sarcastically he clenched his jaw when everyone burst out laughing and i just smile
"anyway i just wanted to apologize about what y'all saw and heard yesterday it was uncalled for and unnecessary and y'all shouldn't have had to hear that so uh ya i'm sorry" "there's no need to apologize casey we hear tim yell more times then we can count and it's never good" darry says
"ya but it's still disrespectful to let our neighbors here whether y'all are buddies or not" "well why don't you sit" soda says pulling me down on the couch next to him. god he's pretty.

Time skip (i'm sorry but i don't want this to be like a 55 part story 🤭)
It's been around 2 months since i've gotten back in town, i've grown fond of the curtis gang and hang out with them most days if not hanging with myself in the comfort of my room which i do quite often. The socs are scared of me because 1. ima shepard and 2. i kicked a few of their asses when they decided to mess with johnny and pony, i've grown sisterly protective of them and all of them for that matter older then me or not but mostly john and pone. As of right now i have a crush on sodapop i know i know bad decision but i can't help myself he's just so pretty and sweet and god tht smile i melt everytime. I'm getting ready to go to the movies with the whole gang, i decided on a blondie t shirt and a pair of tight black jeans with my tennis shoes obviously. I finish then throw my chapstick on and into my pocket along with my switch blade.

We're walking to the movies and me and soda are a little further behind the rest of the gang, out hands touching ever so slightly when walking.
"so uh i'm kinda nervous but i wanna say it, i like you casey i really do and i've heard from some of the guys that you like me like like me like me and i like you too as a friend though and i know that must hurt but i'm with sandy and i love her, i mean i think i might marry her" my heart drops
he's gonna marry her? he's gonna marry HER
"oh ya no no i uh i get it, i'm not your type yk i'm not your cup of tea" i say trying not to sound so hurt "that great you wanna marry her do you think she'll say yes?"
"ya ya i do" "thanks for understanding your still my best friend besides ole steve but i can be serious with you and tell you things, i don't want that to change now that you know this"
"ya no of course soda as long as your happy and i'm always here to talk to you know that" i smile at him
"hey maybe i'll sleep around" i say with a no meaning laugh though his was whole heartily.
We get closer to the group and i grab johnny to pull him about and inch or two away so i can tell him what just happened
"john he wants to marry sandy" i say looking down at him, his face drops
"aw man case i'm so sorry how'd he tell you?"
"subtle but not subtle enough" i sigh
"he told me that he likes me but only as a friend and he wanted me to know that after he found out about my crush, he probably learned from steve you know he can't keep his mouth shut heh but he told me he wants to marry her and he thinks she'll say yes" i finish
"aw man that sucks, what are ya gonna do?"
"the only thing i can do suck it up in front of yall and drink or sleep around with guys who mean nothing to me, or cry for hours on end and read books while i'm locked in my room"
"option 2 seems more like ya"
"ya ya it does heh i joked to soda that maybe id sleep around i lied"
"hey it's gonna be okay you have me and pony and the gang we're here for ya, we're gonna have a good time tonight alright?"
"ya john we are" i smile and ruffle his hair
we end up laughing with the rest of the group and make it to the movies, we payed today because i insisted on it so i could use some money i she sitting around and we barely watched the movie we all just laughed and talked.
Though halfway through the movie sandy showed up and sat by soda, i couldn't help but keep taking glances at them thru the laughter im sure the boys noticed once or twice but soda never took his eyes off of sandy.

whoop well i'm making edit in advance for this book but idk how long it will be hopefully no longer then like 15 parts i want it to be short but not too short, lexdillion is my tt i post the edits for this story and edits on general on their, check it out and give feedback on the book! 😛

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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