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I stepped out onto the pavement, with the two of my friends, Kayla Cromwell and Trevor Anderson. 

"Wow, this is actually awesome!" Said Trevor. Trevor was tall and skinny, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing black shorts, with a red t-shirt that said "Professional Nerd".

"Uh huh," Mumbled Kayla, who was looking at her phone. Kayla had dyed her hair red this summer, thinking it would turn out great since she had green eyes, but in my opinion, she looked like Arial from The Little Mermaid, which wasn't too bad. Kayla was wearing white shorts with lace at the bottom, and a purple singlet. Kayla and Trevor were the extroverts in our little group, while I was the introvert.

I had to say, it was impressive. We were all looking at our new boarding school (except Kayla, who was looking at her phone), Milton Boarding School. It was a grey-ish colour, and was about five story's high. Students were hustling everywhere, that if you tripped over, you'd probably get run over by all the students here. By the way, I am Evelyn Jones and the smallest in our group. I have brunette hair and hazel eyes and right now, I am wearing black shorts and an oversized white t-shirt.

I grab my suitcase and started walking towards the building, when I got stopped by a girl. "Hi!" Said the unknown girl, she had pink hair and green eyes, and was wearing a bright yellow dress, she also had a lot of bracelets and had a flower necklace. She looked like a hippie.

"Hello?" I replied, frowning. 

"I'm Alice Taylor; I'm guessing you're Evelyn Jones? It's nice to meet you." How did this girl know me? Am I popular?

Alice must've seen my puzzled look, because she added, "I'm your roommate. There's an online website of the school where you can sign in and it will tell you who's your roommate and all that stuff."

Before I could say anything, Kayla came up behind me. "Hi! Sorry about Evelyn. I'm Kayla Cromwell, Evelyn's bestie," I rolled my eyes at Kayla, and she grinned. Kayla and I have been best friends since pre-school.

"Well, let me show you around. By the way if you get lost there's a map on the office desk, just in case you need it," Alice grinned "But hopefully you won't get lost."

Soon enough, we were at the entrance. The walls and floor were made out of white marble, and on the left there were two open doors which Alice said the first door is a hall way, with random trophies, and the second one was the school hall. She showed us the cafeteria, gym, library, and sports field. Our last stop was our dormitories; Kayla was with a girl called Molly Collins, and their dorm was just two doors down from me and Alice's. When I first stepped into our dorm, I was struck with colours. It looked like a unicorn vomited all over the room. There were two twin beds, one bright pink and one dark purple, two oak desks with plastic chairs, and two small wardrobes on each side of the room. Alice had hung fairy lights and random colourful ribbons everywhere, the curtains were a bright green and there was a big rainbow rug on the floor.

"Do you like it? I know you like purple, so I got you a purple bed!" Alice exclaimed.

I smiled, "Yeah, I like it. It's very colourful,"

Then Trevor barged into our room and interrupted us, "You guys are gonna be late! The ceremony starts in like, one minute,"

Alice gave him a puzzled look "You're Trevor Anderson, right?" Trevor lifted one brow up, and Alice grinned. Trevor's dad, Alexander Anderson, was a popular singer, and was quite rich, unlike me and Kayla. He's the one who managed to get all three of us into this private school, where all the rich kids are.

"Let's go! Otherwise we're gonna be super late and the principal will be mad!" Alice said as she ran out of the room.

Trevor grinned, "That won't look good to the principal. I'll get Kayla, meet you guys there."

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