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I text Kayla to meet at my dorm after school. After school I wait in the dorm for Kayla, she comes right on time. I tell her the conversation I had with Ivan and she stays quiet listening to me.

"So do you think he's the murderer?" Kayla asks when I've finished my story.

"I don't know."

We are silent for a bit, eating the double chocolate chip cookies Kayla brought over.

"Wait, he did say something about meeting up at the central park."

Kayla's eyes go wide. "Really?"

"Yes. He was on the phone with someone."

"Should we go?"

"I think we should."

"Okay, I'll get a bag to pack our stuff in." Kayla grabs her bag and starts putting hers and my drink bottle in it, along with the rest of the chocolate chip cookies.

She grins. "just in case."

I put on a purple sweater, and we start jogging to the central park. When we get there it's about seven, so we sadly missed dinner. Luckily Kayla brought the chocolate chip cookies. We go to a table and start eating the cookies while we wait for Ivan to appear.

"When is he coming?"

"Dunno, just keep an eye out."

Kayla sighs.

"There!" Kayla points to two figures coming out of Meg's Café.

Like Kayla said, two figure come out of Meg's café and head to our spot. I grab Kayla's hand and drag her to a bush, near where we were sitting.

"Won't they see us?" Kayla whispers.

"No, they were looking the other way."

"Did you see the other persons face?"

"Um, no-"

Kayla covers her hand over my mouth.

"They're coming. You speak to loud." Kayla whispers and glares at me.

I roll my eyes.

The two figures sit down at the table where we were, they take off their bags and pull out some books.

Kayla looks at me.

"Where shall we start?" The voice sounds like Ivan.

"We can look up some stuff about it?" The second voice sounds female.

Me and Kayla look at each other. Alice?

"Are they doing an essay or something?" whispers Kayla.

I whisper back, "I think so."

"Lets get out of here,"

I follow Kayla as she crawls towards the pond. Luckily there is a bush and tree, so we can escape easily. Five minutes later we reach the pond, and hide behind a tree.

Kayla stands up and stretches, "Who knew crawling for five minutes was exercise!"

I stand up and stretch too. My back cracks. A lot. I check the time on my watch, 8:11. My stomach grumbles, and so does Kayla's.

"Let's get some food at Meg's."

We enter Meg's café and are welcomed by the sweet smell of pies and coffee. We both order a large cappuccino and some pasta.

Kayla takes a bite of her pasta, "So who do we think is the murderer?"

I sip my coffee and almost choke because it's way too hot.

"I don't know."

Kayla looks thoughtful, "Let's go back to the library."

We soon finish our dinner, and head over to the library. We go to the same isle where the librarian showed us last time.

"Alright, we're gonna search every book here and hope to find something."

I nod and start looking. Twenty minutes later I find a newspaper page, and hold it up to Kayla for her to see.

She squints, "What does it say?"

"Don't know. We need a magnifying glass or something, it's too small for me to read."

I stuff it in Kayla's backpack, and we get up to leave.

"What are you guys doing here?"

Me and Kayla turn around and hold our breathe.

Kayla sighs, "It's only you."

Alice frowns, "Seriously, what are you guys doing here?"

Me and Kayla look at each other. Kayla nods, I glare at her.

"We're looking for Milton Boarding School murders."

Alice's eyes light up. "I've been looking for murders too!"

Kayla gasps, "Maybe us three could make a murder hunting club!"

I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Yes! What should it be called?"

"The Murder Club?"

"TMC for short?"

Kayla grins, "Perfect."

"Did you find anything about the murders here?" I ask.

Alice frowns. "No."

Kayla grabs the backpack and starts looking for the newspaper. "We found something!"

I snatch the backpack. "Maybe we should look at it when we're in the dorm," I quickly say.

Alice smiles, "True."

Kayla sighs and nods.

We get the bus and arrive at the school. I notice it's really quiet so I check my watch for the time, 9:45. We arrive at me and Alice's dorm, and sit on the carpet. Kayla carefully grabs the newspaper from the backpack and lies it in the middle of the carpet. I find a magnifying glass and hand it to Kayla, who inspects the newspaper.

"It says what happened to the two girls and the petals." Kayla looks closer and frowns. "It also says that the suspect is known for killing girls and leaving petals behind kind of like a marking, which we already know."

"let me have a look." Alice takes the magnifying glass. "It also says the suspect may be a student here."

Kayla's eyes go wide.

I grab a notebook and a pencil and start writing. "So we know the suspect wears a black hoodie, might be a student here, is still alive, leaves red petals behind as markings, targets girls and what else?"

Kayla picks up her phone and starts scrolling."Sarah and Elizabeth were in a popular group, so was Isla and Molly." Kayla puts her phone down and looks at us. "The person behind the murder targets girls who are in a popular group."

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