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When we arrive at the festival we make a quick stop to get some sausage rolls, then we go to a tie-dye shop and get matching tie-dye shirts.

"Kayla what's the time?" asks Alice.

"Almost one, why?"

"They're doing a parade thing at one,"

"Really?! We have to go!"


I groan, "I'm not going. You two can,"

Kayla nudges me, "It's part of the festival, remember?"

I sigh, "Fine."

We all run to the middle of the city, and are just in time for the parade to begin.

"Hold on, what's the parade even for?" I ask.

Alice frowns, "I think it's a summer parade,"

Me and Kayla both nod.

We see bird balloons, a marching band, and people dressed in weird summer costumes. It's about three when the parade ends, so we all get some pie's. We sit on the grass and eat our pie's, when Trevor and Thomas come over.
"Have you guys seen Ivan and Elijah?"

Kayla shakes her head. "No, why?"

"They disappeared. Me and Thomas have been looking for them for like twenty minutes."

Alice wipes her mouth, "We'll keep an eye out for them."

"Okay, thanks." Trevor and Thomas turn around and walk in the other direction.

At around seven, Kayla, me, and Alice start walking to the exit to go back to school.

Alice stops, "Guys, I'm going to the bathroom. It's just around the corner."

Me and Kayla nod as Alice walks off. Then we hear a scream in the other direction, me and Kayla look at each other and run to the direction of the scream. We turn around the corner, and see Kayla's roommate, Molly, on the ground.

Kayla gasps, "Molly!"

Kayla runs to Molly's body and tries to talk to her, while I call the cops.

I look closer to Molly's body, and see that she has been stabbed. There are also red petals. I take a quick photo of the scene when the cops arrive. They start questioning me and Kayla, while an ambulance takes away Molly. We tell the cops everything we saw, when Alice comes around the corner.

Alice runs up to us. "What's happening??"

Kayla looks down, "Molly got stabbed."

Alice is silent for a minute. "Why?"

Me and Kayla shrug.

Soon enough me and Kayla are sitting on my bed, while Alice sits on her bed. We are all shocked, especially Kayla, so Kayla is staying in our dorm for a couple of nights. Her bed mattress is on the ground, in the middle of mine and Alice's bed. We are all listening to Taylors Swift song Enchanted while we take off our nail polish. We then watch a movie and eat our chocolates and some popcorn.

The next morning I wait at the park. Alice couldn't come because she had to help her dad with something, and Trevor was hanging out with his friends. Only Kayla could come, but that was okay. Me and Kayla are meant to meet up at two fifteen. I check my phone, Two twenty two, Kayla is late again. A couple minutes later, I see her walking across the road towards me. I jump from the park seat and jog towards her.

"How you holding up?"

Kayla shrugs. "I'm still shocked, I guess."

I nod. We walk towards the pond which is in the middle of the park. Kayla stops and turns towards me.

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