Chapter 9. Party

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Haerin came back at 4pm. I try to stop her on her way to the second floor, but she wouldn't listen. So, I waited until she come back downstairs, but she didn't. I went upstairs and knock on her door. Once she didn't answer, I barge my way in. Haerin is on the bed, looking at me.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I walk forward.

"Yes," she said softly. I pull a chair by her and sit down like I did the night before we went to Jeju.

"So what did my parents say when you went to visit?" I ask.

"They said they're happy for us," oh good.

"Well then, I'm going," I stand up and out the chair in its place before leaving. My phone also ring on my way out. "Danielle here," I answer as I shut the door.

"Hey, Dani. It's Jinni. I want to congratulate you on your secret marriage. It sucks because I wasn't invited, but hey. I'm happy for you."

I chuckle as I stand outside of Haerin's room. "Thanks, Jinni. I'm sorry that you weren't invited. No one was."

"I suppose but hey, I have a fancy party right now. You need to come."

"What's it for?"

"Nothing in particular, I just feel like throwing a party."

"I absolutely will come."

"Oh, and bring that beautiful wife of yours."

"Alright. She'll come too, don't worry."

Jinni ends the call and I went back inside Haerin's room. "Get dress, we're going to a party," I announce coldly.

"I don't feel good," she said then I laugh.

"Such excuse, I will wait for you downstairs. You have ten minutes starting now," I leave the room and went to mine, which I simply change into a casual outfit.


I seriously can't afford to go out right now. but she won't give me any choice.

I went to wear something casual: black pants, a white cardigan over a maroon tee. I fix my brown hair and added make up with a red lipstick.

My ten minute was over and I went downstairs. Dani is waiting, she wears something that matches me.

"How do I look?" I ask her. She smile and brightens my day a bit but she completely destroy it a few seconds later.

"Go change," What? Dani laughs and cross her arms. "You look fantastic, now let's go."

During the ride there, neither one of us initiate a conversation. There was nothing to talk about anyways and I just want to lash my anger and sadness out on her. I bet she doesn't understand what she has done to me. Never in my life have feel this feeling of loneliness, being neglected, and what's worst is she's my wife. Dani should know better and she chooses to hurt me. I know that she knows that she is hurting me. I bet she's a sadist. Sick and disgusting.

We got to the place and get out. I walk beside Dani, and put a fake smile, Everyone who sees us, compliments us. Dani seems to be going with it but deep down she feels the same as me. Trapped.

Dani found her friends and left me alone. At least she's enjoying herself. I leave to go to a table and look around. These people seems to be only wealthy people.

"Didn't think I'll see the Kitty Queen here," a tall girl joins me at the table. She looks familiar and I can't put a finger on it. "I'm Kazuha, one of your competitors."

I smile. "Hey Zuha," My voice came out sad and I guess I can't hide it.

"Are you okay?" She ask sounding concern.

"I don't think so," I sigh.

"It's good to get things off your chest. Tell me why?" She wave down a man and got us a small amount of drinks.

"Thanks," I say as she slide one drink over. "You might know everything now that Dani and I are married. But it doesn't seem like that. It's like we're just strangers living together and this isn't making either one of us happy."

"Oh, that is way far from what I think you'd say," She laughs. I raise a brow. "You know what, everyone knows that Dani is a heartless person. You shouldn't waste your feelings on her. And if you can't, I have a solution for you."

"What is that?" I ask.

"Alcohol. It solves everything. Wait here, I'll grab us better drinks."


This may be a bad idea but if it'll help me then I'll do it. I mean, what can alcohol do to you. But I have never been drunk before.

Zuha came back fast with bottles and cans of alcohol. "We can't finish this," I look at her. This amount is ridiculous.

"We can," she smiles and pops open a bottle. "One for the Kitty Queen, and one for me."

"While Zuha and I were drinking, a guy came to us and gave me a heart shaped of lollipop".

"I feel dizzy, so i didn't notice the look of the guy who gave the lollipop.but i think his cute and tall."


"Hey Dani. How long have you been here?" Jinni ask. . "And where's your wife?"

"We've been here for half an hour already," I answer her.

"Yeah, Dani left her wife somewhere when she saw us." "It's not every day that I get to see all of you at once." I said as Sully handed me a lollipop and I opened and taste it.

"Your such a kid Dani" Jinni laughs and grab a drink on a tray from a man who is walking around with. "I don't know about you Dani, but if it was me... I'd never let my sight off of Haerin."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Jinni point somewhere behind me and I look.

"Haerin was drunk and a guy gave her a heart-shaped lollipop". Fuck!!!

That girl is incredibly drunk. And the amount of open cans and bottles on their table scares me. Even I won't drink that many. Is she trying to kill her kidneys?

"Go! What are you standing here for?!" My friends yell at me as they push me.

"I rushed to Haerin before she taste the lollipop the guy gave to her."

"When I arrived at their table where she was drinking, I immediately put the lollipop of mine to her mouth.

I heard my friends screaming. DANI THAT' SO COOL. STAN BRAVE GIRL!!

Okay enough...

"What are you doing?!" I hiss at her.

"Dani, go away. Haerin is having fun with me," the tall girl who is next to Haerin slurs.

Haerin laughed and nodded. "I'm having fun." While she was trying to remove the lollipop I put in her mouth.

"This is not having fun. You drink too much liquor like a trash girl. We are leaving right now," I pull Haerin up and this girl can't even stand, so I have to carry her in my arms.



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