01. "New surroundings"

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"What hurts us is what heals us."
- Paulo Coelho

AUGUST, 2014.

Josephine made her way through the busy and crowded airport, feeling more anxious than ever. From now on, Washington was her new home and the begining of the new chapter in her life.

She had made so many difficult decisions and leaving Seattle was one of them. She left behind everything she knew and loved to step out into the world she had no idea about.

She wasn't ready to do it. But she knew it was necessary for her to move on. To forget about the pain she carried, the weight of her past slowly dragging her down.

The last summer breeze blew across her face, messing up her hair. She took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of last days of August.

Tomorrow she will take a new job at FBI headquarters. She tried for it several months until her life turned upside down. She completely forgot about it and only a year later did she receive permission to transfer.

She had no reason to stay in Seattle anymore, so she accepted the offer and that's how she ended up here.

The taxi she ordered arrived late. The driver packed her things into the car and soon took her to the city center, exactly where her new apartment was located. As they rode she admired the views she passed along the way, already starting to fall in love with the place.

The trip didn't take long, only thirty minutes. Josie thanked the driver and took her things inside the block. Luckily, she managed to spot the elevator which she rode up until she was on the right floor.

Thirty six. Thirty seven. Thirty eight...

Thirty nine.

She took her keys from her purse and opened the door, carrying her bags in one by one. As soon as she found herself inside, she felt a wave of sadness wash over her.

The apartment was bathed in semi-darkness. The walls, despite the white color, seemed gray and the place itself was shivering. The furniture that stood there didn't look old, but as soon as she sat on one of the chairs, it almost fell apart under her weight.

First thing to do in Washington: renovate the apartment.

She sighed, taking off her blouse and putting it away. She looked over the unpacked boxes and let out a groan before hiding her face in her hands.

Just when she was about to lay down, there was a knock on the door. Loud and chaotic. She frowned, slowly getting up and making her way through the hall.

She opened it, and immediately felt a mixture of nervousness and unease as her eyes met the one's who belong to tall, redhead man, that was now leaning on frame of her door. He couldn't have been older than 26.

"Well aren't you a sight for the eyes?" he looked her up and down, making her stomach twist. "I'm Andy, your neighbour."

"It's...pleasure to meet you." she replied, almost choking on her words from nerves. "Can I help you with something?"

"You could invite me and then we could..." he leaned in, almost touching her nose. "get to know eachother."

Her lumbs were on fire as her breathing quickened. She flinched back, blinking away the face of her past lover that suddenly got in her vision. A small innocent memory of the smooth touch on her skin, a couple of kisses and sweet words which were hiding the boggest lie from the beginning.

"I'm sorry, m-maybe another time." she stuttered, trying hard not to show her weakness. "I have to unpack all of the boxes, and go for the groceries and-"

"It's okay, sugar." he chuckled, fixing his hair. "I can help."

"That won't be necessary." her heart almost jumped out of her chest, beating so fast it could won the race. "I'm sure you have more important things on your mind."

Please go away. Please...please.

"Alright, if you say so." he winked at her, backing up. "But if you change your mind..."

I don't think that will happen.

"You can find me upstairs, sweetiepie."

She nodded, trying not to break and slowly backed away to close the door. When safe again, she leaned her forehead on the door, and let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Why me?" she asked herself.

Why do I have to go through this hell?

Why can't the pain go away?

She felt her heart squeeze with cold ice that forced her to sit on the floor. She tucked her legs up and let out a soft sniffle followed by a heavy sob that turned into cry.

Josephine Wood was alone. With no cure for her loneliness, left in agony of her broken soul.

All of that because of one man, whose name was carved on her heart as a memento, reminding her that she will always be that way.

Unwanted and unable to love.

• • •

an: thank you for reading and see you in the next one!

comments are appreciated <3

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