06."Something bad"

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"The fuck are you doin' here?!" he hissed grabbing her arm.

Josephine shriekied in fear as he grabbed her arm forcefully. She tried to pull free and escape, but he squeezed harder, digging his nails into her skin, forcing her to stay still.

"That's none of your concern." she replied with a shaky voice.

He jerked her, the cold steel of his eyes froze her blood, bringing back memories of Seattle.

"Nathan stop. You're making a scene."  she admonished him, but his hand only tightened. "S-stop it hurts—"

"Were you following me, bitch? Are you that desperate to come back to me?! Hm?" he leaned in, his hot breath hitting her cheek. "I'm going to disappoint you, kitten. I don't need you anymore. I never did. So stop playin' in your little games or else I'll make you."

Josephine was too afraid to let herself breathe. She was trembling under his touch that was burning her skin to bones. He let go of her noticing another man in the alley that was looking at them.

She let out a quiet whimoer when her arm started to hurt from the grip hd had on her. Nathan gave her a warning look before leaning once again and placong a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Don't make me kill you, Josie." came out in a whisper.

Then he left.

And Josie felt herself fall down to the floor.

• • •

  Marcus stood in his kitchen when suddenly he heard a knocking on his door. Rapid but muffled by the TV in his living room.

  He wiped his hands on a towel and looked in that direction, curious who could be visiting him at such a late hour.

  He grabbed the handle and suddenly everything stopped. The TV, the bustling on the other side of the street, the whole world went quiet when his eyes fixed on the person in front of him.


  She stood there, body trembling, her hair dripping with rain. Her eyes, usually in bright blue colour, were red with tears. He felt his heart squeeze with pain at the sight of her. She looked so pale, so vulnerable, and he knew that it wasn't just because of the cold. Something was off.

  "I'm so sorry, Marcus. This is stupid—" she began, shaking her head and backing away.

  "No it's not. Tell me what happend. Are you okay?"

  She shook her head.

  "I- I was at the store when he saw me and...said that he will...he will-" her words came out as a stammer, as she tried to answer his question. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here. I-"

  He cut her off by taking her cold hands in his.

  "You did the right thing, Josie. I'm really glad you came here but I need you to calm down, okay? Take a deep breath. In and out."

  She followed his instructions taking a breath. Something changed. The air was now cooler and her lungs could finally take the oxygen, not squeezing as hard as before. The lump in her throat dissapeared as she catched his soft gaze, that made her feel more steady and calm.

  "Let's go inside, okay?" she nodded, letting him lead her.

  When he closed the door, Josie felt safier right away. As if all the evil in the world suddenly stopped getting its claws on her.

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