07. "I'll take care of you."

33 3 1

"Fucking hell, buttercup. This case is fucking killing me."

Cruz groaned, wiping his face. He and Josie were standing in the kitchen, sipping coffee from their mugs. Josie dressed in pair of gray pants and white shirt, Cruz in his usual black suit.

"Why? Because you have a hangover?"

"No, butterfly. I have to help the police all the time because those idiots can't connect the dots. Fucking cartel. They couldn't have chosen another city for their base?" there was a hint of annoyance in his deep voice.

Josie frowned. What was he talking about?

"Cartel?" she asked, going further into the topic. "Here? In Washington?"

"I was suprised too, but yeah. We got ourselves into some serious shit." he nodded. "Screw the job, tell me what you did with Marcus."

How the hell did he know about this

Her cheeks turned red as she took a sip of her caffeine.

"I just— I needed his help in something."

Cruz rosed an eyebrow, shit-eating grin plastered on his lips.

"Someone's got a crush..."

"No, no, no." she shook her head rapidly. "It's not-we're not...He's my boss and besides I can't do it anymore."

"What? Sex?"

"Relationships, Cruz." she corrected him. "I don't think I can let another man in my life after Seattle. I'm not ready to... trust someone again."

He nodded, understanding.

From all people beside Marcus, Cruz understood her situation. She wasn't ready to trust someone afraid that she'll end up alone again. He was happy that she trusted him in her own specific way. Being called her friend was truly an honor for him, that's why he couldn't fuck this up.

"Okay, I gotta go sweets. Don't miss me too much." he ruffled her hair makung her grimace. He smiled once more before disappearing on his way to continue his work.

• • •

"She likes you."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Marcus blinked.

"It's so obvious and you two don't see it. Oh my god, you're done, Marcus. You're reaaally done."

"Should I remind you that you're talking to your boss?"

"Can you see me giving a fuck? No. Now listen-"

"Cruz, why are we talking about Josie again? She's not interested in me. She can't be interested in me. I'm her boss and forming a relationship between co-workers is forbidden."

"You're so boring." he groaned like a typical five year old child.

"You're immature and yet here you are, working for FBI."

Veracruz opened his mouth, slightly offeneded but quickly waved it off.

"You're not letting me help you."

"Help me? With what?"

"With getting you back to normal."

"I am normal."

"Sleeping in bed with your dog is normal?"

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