02. "First good impression."

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"Pretty face with pretty bad dreams,
No one knows I cry in my sleep..."

Working for the FBI has never been difficult for Josephine.

She even had her own small office back in Seattle, being an analyst and assistant director. Everyone knew her and respected her. Nobody could say anything bad about her.

That was until she met Nathan on her path. He turned out to be her first love and at the same time her most painful breakup. A year has passed since then, and she still hasn't been able to forget what she went through, still carrying that painful burden on her.

Even now that she was about to start a new life, it didn't look like the pain would disappear anytime soon.

The new center was much larger than the one where she worked. It was a massive building, designed almost perfectly against the street, so everyone knew what it was.

Josie couldn't take her eyes off it, unable to believe that from today she would be working here. It seemed so unreal to her, and at the same time so very real.

Crossing the threshold, she encountered a group of agents who sent her a skeptical look. Nevertheless, she kept her cool and walked deeper into the building, following the directions on the signs.

When she reached the fourth floor, the clock struck nine o'clock. Josephine was not a person whose nature it was to be late, so she almost ran out of the elevator, almost losing her balance on her heels.

She found herself in the main corridor leading to the cubicles. She looked around for any clues that would help her reach the boss's office, but found nothing.

Instead, she met an agent in her path who, seeing her confusion, offered his help.
He introduced himself as Agent Veracruz, then led her to her desk. She thanked him, without a smile, which she could not afford at the moment.

Ever since Nathan left her, she rarely smiled. She couldn't even remember the last time she felt anything but emptiness in her heart.

"I see you're not very talkative," he remarked when he finished his monologue about what it's like to work here. "Don't be afraid, little one. I don't bite" he winked at her with a smirk on his lips.

"Can you take me to the boss? I was supposed to meet him as soon as I get here." She asked him in a soft and gentle voice.

"It will be my pleasure." He replied, placing his hand on her back.

Agent Veracruz was an average, blonde man with green eyes and straight nose. His hair was arranged in an artistic mess that gave him a personal charm and was his trademark. The first thing she noticed was how hard he was chewing gum. This indicated two things. Either he had bad breath or he was just quitting smoking. Of course she opted for the second.

As if reading her mind, he quickly satisfied her curiosity:

"I'm trying to quit but this Nicorette thing is awful." he grimaced, shoving his hands into his pockets. "It's like chewing on your old socks"

"You're on the right track, so I don't think you should give up, now." she shared her opinion with him and suprisimgly he wasn't offended by her words.

"Thanks, little one. I'll keep that in mind." he patted her shoulder before stopping. They reached brown wooden door with a sign labeled 'Director's Office. M. Pike.'

Veracruz send her a short glance before knocking three times and walking in. She followed him like a puppy, hiding behind his back until they were all inside.

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