Chapter 2

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"Everyone Jump!"

I look at Christina, her eyes tell me she's panicking. I hold out my hand for her to hold.
She smiles gently and takes it.

"You ready?" I quietly say to her.

She nods and we jump together.

We crash onto the rocks and she starts to roll away from where we landed. I look down and see my skirt ripped, my skirt was tight and a bit too short, I would always get in trouble for it. My shirt was black and baggy sort off with a white collar. I liked the colour black on me, brought out my natural tan but these clothes didnt matter anymore, there not mine.

"Gather round people" the brunette I followed shouts.

Selfishly, I dont wait for Christina to get up I just go straight to where I was told too.

We all gather around and he's talking about how dauntless are brave and fearless but as hes talking someone comes up behind me and pulls on my shirt a little.

It's Christina.

"You okay?" I whisper.

Well I thought I whispered it anyway, somehow the brunette stops talking and looks directly at me which encourages everyone else too.

"You, come here" he said mischievously.

"Me?" I look at him confused.

He nods.

"You seem to act like you know what your doing, prove it." He smirks

I look to my left and widen my eyes to Christina; the 'what the fuck do i do' look.
She shrugs her shoulders and panics for me

I know not to show it, but I'm scared now.

I walk past everyone not even giving them what they want. They want me to be scared and embarrass myself so I can be the embarrassment.

"Your going to jump." he says.

Everyone starts looking at one another. Some people gasp, some people laugh and others just stand there in confusion.

"Dont worry you're not going to die" he whispers to me so only I can hear.

"What so I just jump, jump off here?"

"Mmh" He smirks

I take a deep breath and look down, it just keeps going down, how will i not die? But I know I cant turn around, I cant not jump, I'll be the joke, people will laugh at me. So I just jumped.

I have no idea what came over to me to jumped but I have.


I bounce back up, back down, then up again then back down till I lay up and see a bunch of people staring at me. I look up to where I jumped to see everyone hoovered over the roof i just jumped off, staring at me to see if I'm alive.

"First jumper everyone." He starts clapping, long pause in between each clap. He's sarcastically clapping, no one else.

He's embarrassing me.

He stops clapping as soon as he sees me. I blow a little piece of hair out of my face and grab onto the pole and swing my legs forward so i'm sitting, legs dangling down to a massive drop. I put my hand in front of him and he grabs it firmly, he pulls me over and with his other hand grabs my waist to support me.

I look up at him, his beautiful big brown eyes looking back down at me, he's tanned and has brownish hair which, more i look at it, looks kind of curly. He doesn't smile, he doesn't do anything but stare back at me. I'm admiring him and he's looking back at me blankly. He lets go of my waist and i walk away letting go of his hand in mine.

Four sides in a triangle ~ Divergent ~ Theo James Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now