Chapter 4

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I'd estimate 4 more fights had gone since mine,  now everyones allowed to go their own way to get food.

May I add the 4 fights didn't come close to mine.

Anyway, Christina was far in front, I stayed behind putting my shoes back on as I forgot to put them straight back on. A couple of us still left in the room.

The two boys that fought last, Eric, Four and some guy I've never seen before clearing Angelina's blood off the ring.

"Come, let me show u something."

I look up and its Eric with his hand in my face offering to help me up.

I accept of course.

He pulls me up and leads me to the screen with 10 names on there. Half are highlighted white the others in red.

"Look where you are"

#1 kayleigh

I smile

"Your were good you know, really good."

"Thankyou." I say

I didn't really know what else to say. 'I know' sounded cocky but its true, I know I'm good.

Fours staring beside me, thats when I look down and realise I'm still holding Erics hand

I let out an awkward little giggle and let go.

To be fair, my hands are all cut up stinging so I would've let go sooner or later.

He side smiles back at me and walks away, i lift my hand up and start blowing on the cuts and try to wipe away the dried blood.

"Give me your hand." He commands.

Its four.

I do as I'm told and hand him my hand.

He's being gentle, examining my hand.

"Come with me, I'll sort you."

Unlike Eric, Four lets go off my hand and walks on. I followed him to the hallway he showed us yesterday, the one with the actual bedrooms. We get to the 2nd one on the left, the number on the door, 4, what a coincidence.

He opens the door for me and waits for me to walk in.

His room is massive, as soon as you walk in your hit with a massive window filling all of the back wall, shows the whole of the city. His beds in the centre of the room, on a slant, its up against a half wall, he's got a very black but modern kitchen in the corner of his room. His sink half full with dirty dishes. On the other side is his sofa against the window, and his tv facing the sofa. Old clothes piled on the sofa. As you walk in on your left theres a room, which you could only guess is the bathroom.

"So I have to share a room with 30 something people, more then 3/4 of them boys, while you have a whole ass apartment to yourself?" I complain.

"Guess so." He chuckles.

I wasn't even joking, it really annoyed me.

"Come" He says.

He puts his arm behind him and I reach for it and grab onto two of his finger and wrap my hand around.

He takes me into the room, which in fact was a bathroom. He turns his arm around and examines my hand.

"I told you you would be fine." He says and turns around and reaches for his cupboard.

I grip onto the counter behind me and pull myself up to sit, next to the sink.

"Didn't realise how bad everyone else is." I quietly say.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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