2. meow meow open up

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A/n:  Sorry for the short chapter, I've been very busy cleaning up hurricane damage to my home.

I wanted to at least get the second chapter out.

You stand leaning against the kitchen doorframe looking at the 4 cats in your living room.

You need to give them names.

You look at the white maine coon and started thinking.

' Snow. Pearl. Tissue. Paper. Cotton tail. Cotton ball. Snowball. Elsa. Kakashi.'

You keep looking at the white maine coon as he watched over the other cats in the living room.

' Casper.'

You turn to look at pink cat with dark pink stripes.

' Ham. Pinky. Peony. Dragon fruit. Cheshire cat. Che'nya. Sakura.'

You look closely and noticed a mark by the corner of his eyes.

' togepi.'

You look at the tan brownish cat.

' bambi.'

You look at the black cat sitting on the back of the recliner by the window.

' Night. Shadow. Cole. Sasuke. Crow. Raven.'

You noticed another cat outside on your neighbor's cars looking into your window at the black cat and casper.

The cat was a pale dark pink with dark pink stripes and fur patterns.

' do they got beef or something?'

Togepi noticed the cat outside on your neighbor's car.

He hopped up onto the window seal and started scratching at the window and hissing at the cat outside.

The pale dark pink cat jumped off your neighbor's car and walked up to your car before jumping onto your car.

The pale dark pink cat hops onto your porch and sits on the railing of your front porch and looking into the window at togepi and the black cat.

A/n: thank you for reading so far.

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