4. new kittys

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You sat on the floor in your living room with togepi, bambi and cole around you as you put together the cat tree for them.

Casper was laid out long on the back of your couch watching you but also keeping a eye on the pale dark pink cat that was sitting on the back of the recliner looking down at you and the other cats.

You stood up to keep building the cat tree and telling the 3 cat not yet.

You had just put the last part on the cat tree when there was a knock on the door.

You walked over to open the door seeing a 2 kids that you sometimes babysit both holding a box.

" Jesse, James? What are you doing here, what's in the box?"

" we found it but mama said we couldn't have them because auntie is allergic so can they stay here?"

" what is it?"

" cats."

Thay opened the box and inside was a skiddish brown cat with little glasses, a small white cat with black by their mouth, a deep green cat and a cat panda?

It was the size of a cat but had round ears and a short tail.

" sure, I'll take them and you can come visit them, go home it's supposed to start raining soon."

You gently take the box from them watching them run down the street to their house making sure they got their.

You closed the door and put the box down, togepi, bambi and cole came to see inside the box putting their front paws on the wall of the box looking in.

They meow at each other and Casper hopped down looking into the box from the couch getting all of their attention.

You noticed a note inside the box, written by the kids with the name of each cat in the box.

The kids gave the name of poe to the panda cat, snowball to the white cat, mochi to the deep green cat and they hadn't named the brown yet.

They are good name that kids came up with and you were a bit glad that they didn't name the brown cat.

You pet the new cats and took them out of the box.

They seemed shocked to see the pale dark pink cat.

Togepi was the first to run to the new cats followed by cole and bambi, they seemed to know each other.

You jumped hearing the door bell ring, you went to open the door but no one was there but when you looked down at a meow there was a blonde cat who was sitting looking up at you.

You looked around as it started raining so you ushered the cat inside.

" get in hon."

You pet the cat closing the door after they were inside, togepi saw the new cat and ran to them headbuting and making a mew noise like he was crying.

Casper was the second to run over tho the blonde looked a bit annoyed but didn't do anything.

You let them greet each other and you made sure that the cat tree was done and all the pieces were secure.

The pale dark pink cat was laying at the top perch looking down at the other cats and you.


Cats who need names:

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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