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The ear shattering sound of an alarm just pisses off Dawson. Waking up being pissed off is never a good way to start a day. Especially for Dawson Wood.

He grumbles as he peeks his eyes open. Rubbing a hand through his hair, he ignores the smell of BO from his armpit, deciding he should probably take a shower at some point, or put a shit ton of cologne on.

Glancing at the alarm clock that still screams, Dawson raises an eyebrow at the time.

Wow, Dawson thinks, New record.

He gets out of bed slowly, almost tripping on the discarded school books and dirty clothes. He makes his way toward his bathroom, squeezing his eyes shut at the light.

Seeing as he's already late for school, Dawson takes his time in the shower.

When he's done, he picks through the piles of clothes in his room, attempting to find something that smells decently clean. He finally decides on a faded AC/DC t-shirt that has the sleeves cut off and black ripped skinny jeans. He brushes through his hair with his fingers, making sure the water dries in a messy manner.

Dawson leaves his house in his black mustang, swerving out of the driveway. He drives with one hand on the wheel, blasting his music at full volume.

A white polo.
That's what he decided on.
A white polo shirt and light blue jeans.

Wesley Pierce liked his outfit, it wasn't too formal or too casual.
Perfect for him.

"Have a nice first day, honey!" Mrs. Pierce calls as Wesley leaves through the front door. She was very excited about his new school, even though he was skeptical.

When Wesley's mom got a new job, their family had to move cities away. Wesley wasn't too happy with the change, he wanted to graduate high school in the school where he was assured the title of Valedictorian. But at a new school, he was unsure on whether people there would be smarter than him.

But on his first day, he was proved wrong.

"You're a pretty smart kid, eh?" The principal, Mr. Thompson, asks as he walks Wesley around school. "I insisted on talking to you this morning because I wanted to speak to you about your past test scores. Wesley, you are a very intelligent young man. We have put you in the best classes so you can focus on your studies."

"Thank you, sir." Wesley says politely. "I promise to do my best in academics."

"And do you do any extracurriculars? Sports, theatre, chess?"

Wesley lets out a weak laugh, "Uh, no, sir. Extracurriculars have never really been my thing."

"Oh, well that's alright. We'd just like you to be comfortable at a new school." Mr. Thompson says, a bright smile. "However, because you seem to have such great grades in the past, I was wondering if you would be willing to do some tutoring for some of our students that struggle a little more?"

Wesley nods, following the principal to the door of a classroom. "Yeah, I'd be up for that. I've tutored before."

"Amazing!" The principal glances at the classroom door, "Well, here you are. Welcome to your first period."

"Thank you."

"Good luck."

"Wait what?" Wesley watches as the principal walks away, his eyebrows furrowed curiously.

Wesley takes a moment, trying not to think too hard into it. He opens the door, stepping inside the loud classroom. Students voices ring in his ears. He spots a few in the back sitting on the desks, some chewing gum openly, all talking very loudly.

"Are you Wesley Pierce?" The teacher calls out to him. He nods, approaching her with blushed cheeks as he feels students' eyes on him. "We have an open seat back there!" She points to the back of the class. "Next to Bowie. Bowie! Raise your hand, hun!"

A boy in the back, one on a desk, waves his hand lazily. He stares at Wesley, his eyes moving up and down his body with a smirk on his lips.

Wesley walks over, feeling suddenly insecure from having so many eyes on him. He puts his stuff down, and sits slowly.

"So what's your deal?" Bowie asks, giving Wesley all of his attention.

Wesley only glances at him for a second. "I don't know how I'm supposed to answer that."

Bowie lets out a low laugh, "You're kinda a feisty one, huh?"

Before Wesley can say anything a girl from a few feet away calls out, "Bowie! Where's Dawson?"

Bowie turns, shrugging. "I don't know. He probably slept in. I've already texted him."

"Hey, man!" Bowie calls out as Dawson slaps him on the back. "Three hours late? That's a new record for you."

Dawson shrugs, sitting at their lunch table. "I was sleepy. Anything fun happen?"

"Test in math. I got the answers from Laci. You want them?"

"Nah, I don't have time for tests. That shit's pointless."

"Yeah, you're right. Um, oh, and there's a new kid. He's kinda cute, I'd fuck him." Bowie glances around the cafeteria. "Oh, there he is!" He points to Wesley, where he sits and talks to a table of students.

Dawson glances over, not looking forward to seeing another one of Bowie's I guess I'd hit crushes. But he has to do a double take.

That's the most handsome man I've ever seen... Dawson's mouth drops open slightly, admiring the beauty of the man at the other table. That's the only guy that I've ever seen that is genuinely and fully... beautiful.

"Hey, Dawson! Dude! You good?" Bowie calls out, shoving Dawson's arm. "You smoke too much weed this morning?"

Dawson snaps his gaze away from the new boy, back to Bowie. "You know I don't do that shit! And, I'm fine. Just, thinking about the new kid."

"You think he'd let me hit?" Bowie asks, staring at Wesley with his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Definitely not." Dawson scoffs, "That's the most virgin, church boy I've ever seen."

Bowie pouts, "Yeah, you're right. But still, I might as well try."

Bowie stands up, going toward Wesley. Dawson stands up, following him closely.

Wesley stands from his table, saying his goodbyes to the group of people that sat with him. He starts walking toward the exit of the cafeteria.

"Hey, Wesley!" He turns at his name, surprised anyone knows it by now. He tries not to roll his eyes when he notices that it's Bowie. "Hey, pretty boy, where you going?"

"Anywhere where you're not." Wesley grumbles, turning back around.

"Hey, I was talking to you!" Bowie reaches out, grabbing Wesley's wrist. He yanks Wesley toward him, noting that they're almost the same height, Wesley being taller but Bowie bigger. "I wanted to introduce you to my buddy here."

"Fuck off, man." Wesley grumbles, glaring down at Bowie.

"Calm down, princess!" Bowie smiles, glancing over his shoulder to smile at Dawson. When Bowie turns back to Wesley, a strong fist connects with his nose. "Oh, fuck! What the hell, dude?"

Wesley grips his sore knuckles, glaring at Bowie. "I told you to fuck off."

Dawson watches silently, frozen in his place, as Bowie grips his bloody nose and Wesley wanders out of the cafeteria.

What the hell... Dawson thinks, stunned. Did that hot-ass nerd just give Bowie a nosebleed?

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