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Months after Wesley joined the school, Dawson still hasn't interacted with him since that first day. Wesley never made any close friends, he found his clique but wasn't overly close with any of them. Dawson kept to making jokes for the class's entertainment, brooding whenever he feels like it. In class, Wesley only rolled his eyes and ignored Dawson when he would interrupt class by coming in late or having an outburst.

Dawson comes bursting into the classroom, texting on his phone as the door slams against the wall.

The teacher jumps at the sound and scolds, "Mr. Wood! If you're going to be late, please be more quiet when you enter my classroom."

Dawson ignores her, chewing gum as he walks toward his seat. He doesn't notice Wesley's dirty glare. But sits by Bowie and starts talking with him.

The teacher tries to stop her own glare and go back to teaching but Dawson and his friends' talking takes up the sound in the classroom. Wesley rolls his eyes, writing down the notes on the whiteboard.

"Mr. Pierce!" Wesley looks up from his phone when his name is called. The principal motions for him to come forward from where he stands at his office door. Wesley steps into the principal's office, putting his phone away. "I was wondering if you could take on another student for your tutoring? You've had such good results with the last few people that you've tutored over the months. I was wondering if you could take on a challenge."

"Challenge?" Wesley repeats, "What kind?"

"I was wondering if you would consider tutoring Bowie Ward."

"Bowie Ward?" Wesley scoffs, "I'm sorry, sir, I know I've done well with the past people I've tutored but there's no way I would be able to get Bowie to pay attention."

"I know that it may be hard, but you are this boy's only hope in graduating." Mr. Thompson sighs, "I understand your hesitance, but please, could you at least try. I've already spoken to Mr. Ward, and he also seemed hesitant to accept the help. But after talking him into it, he has considered a few lessons. Please, Mr. Pierce, you're our last option for this student."

Wesley hesitates, staring at the principal. Slowly, he nods a few times. "Okay," He tells him, "I'll do it."

Wesley hates that he said yes, he's pissed that he has to hang around Bowie. He keeps his head down in the wall, slipping into the bathroom to try to keep from going to the principal and telling him no.

He goes to the sink, wetting his hands. He feels warm from the stress of having to tutor such an asshole. He stares in the mirror, glaring at himself.

The door opens. He glances over through the mirror, not getting rid of his glare. Bowie stands there, Dawson close behind. They stare at Wesley. Wesley stands up straight, turning around and leaning on the sink.

"What?" Wesley asks, crossing his arms.

Bowie gives him a hard stare, "Are you going to tutor me?"

Wesley glances at Dawson, who watches him stoically from over Bowie's shoulder. Wesley looks back to Bowie and nods. "Yeah," He agrees, "I'll do it if you stop being such an asshole to me."

Bowie scoffs, "I've never been an ass to you."

Wesley rolls his eyes, "Sure, man. If you believe that, then you're clearly too fucking stupid to be tutored anyway."

Wesley starts walking toward the door, past them. Before he reach for the door, his back hits the wall. Dawson hold him against the wall, his grip strong but Wesley is clearly much taller. Wesley stares down at Dawson with wide eyes, not expecting to be shoved so harshly.

"Just tutor me, dude." Bowie pleads, staring at Wesley from behind Dawson. "I... I'll stop bothering you if I pass the next history test."

Wesley watches him, picking up on his actual sincerity. He puts his gaze back down on Dawson and mutters, "Okay, I'll do it. Just get your guard dog off of me."

Dawson's scowl becomes angrier, his grip tightening and Wesley's back is pushed against the wall even harder. Bowie raises an eyebrow and steps back. He chuckles, "You think I'm in charge here?" He gives a scoff with a smirk and sly eyes, "Yeah, good luck if you think anybody can control The Dawson Wood!" Bowie pats Dawson's shoulder and smiles at Wesley. "Don't hurt him too much, man. I gotta have a live tutor to pass high school."

Dawson twists his knuckles in Wesley's shirt and leans up, trying his best to not go too high to be on his tiptoes. When Bowie leaves the bathroom, Dawson grumbles out, "Don't ever talk to me like that again! Got it?"

Wesley rolls his eyes, "Sure, whatever."

Dawson pushes him harder, making Wesley's back hurt from being shoved into the tile wall so hard. He hisses out, "I swear to fucking god, don't be a little asshole to me, new kid! I'll fuck you up, I swear!"

"I'd like to see you try!" Wesley hisses back, shoving Dawson harshly enough to free himself and hurry out the door.

When Dawson rushes after him, the hallway is full of passing students, and he can't find Wesley around.

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