Guys Night

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Going back to Y/N's story after the battle, he decides to have a guys night out with his co worker from the Jigokumeguri Engineering Inc. Including Fafnir. They're all walking around Koshigaya.

Y/N: So guys, What are you trying to do today?

Fafnir: Not gonna lie, I've been looking into manga lately, how about we do a one piece reading sleepover?

Makoto: hmmm.... I mean....! That can work, I've read that manga too and it's extremely good. So far for me, it's like a 10/10 

Y/N: Hey, I'm down.... Let's all go to my place!

Everyone: Sweet! Let's do it! (They all do a bro fist to each other. And begin walking to Y/N's place.)

Y/N: So, Fafnir.... What made you into manga?

Fafnir: Heh.... Well..... Blame this guy. (Fafnir points at Makoto and he giggles)

Makoto: I'm just so damn obsessed with anime to the point that I had to show him you know?

Y/N: Ah, I see... (Y/N notices a soba shop and his eyes glimmer and stops in his tracks)

Y/N: Guys! Let's stop there! I'm extremely hungry.

Makoto: Same..

Fafnir: Same here.....

They all enter the Soba shop. They all think what to eat.

Y/N: Ooh, I got an idea! I'm gonna have Kake Soba! I love it spicy hehe....

Makoto: I'll have the same thing because I've never had that in so long.

Fafnir: What is Kake Soba?

Makoto: Glad you asked (Makoto goes full nerd mode) Kake Soba is basically Hot soba noodles served in a bowl with a hot broth called kakejiru, typically made from soy sauce, dashi fish stock, and other seasonings. It's garnished with ingredients like green onions, tempura bits, and kamaboko which is fish cake.

Y/N: Okay, you didn't have to explain in a detailed manner.... Weirdo.

Makoto: I just felt like it okay? 

Fafnir: Ah, I see.... Well I'll have Nabeyaki Soba. 

Y/N and Makoto: Not bad! (10 minutes later, their soba arrives and it's extremely tasty... The exquisite texture, smell, heat. They all slurp on their soba.)

Y/N: Guys I got a weird question... Will you let me ask it?

Fafnir and Makoto: Go for it.

Y/N: What's your tastes in women...? 

Makoto: Hm.... That's a good question, I do love virgin women who are nerdy ya know?

Fafnir: For me, it doesn't really matter. I'm a dragon after all. I can go for men, women whatever....  I can make out with both you know. I would never be uncomfortable. For example, I would make out with Makoto and not get uncomfortable. (Y/N spits out his noodles)

Y/N: (Y/N wipes his mouth with a napkin.) Sorry about the spit but you're joking right?

Fafnir: No I am not joking you silly mortal. (Makoto is just blushing and sweating.)

Y/N: I-I see..... Good for you.

1 hour after the soba dinner.

Y/N: Man.... I am so stuffed....


Fafnir: Sweeet! What should we do in the one piece sleep over? Read the manga, debate session what shall we do?

Y/N: Maybe.... A debate session! 

Makoto: Sounds fun, but it will probably get heated.

Y/N and Fafnir: Meh...

(40 minutes later, they all arrive at Y/N's apartment.)

Y/N: Make yourself at home! 

Fafnir: Not too shabby of an apartment. I'm glad your organized, usually programmers have the smelliest GODDAMN apartment. (Makoto laughs)

Makoto: EXACTLY! Some programmers around the world give developers a bad name I swear.

Y/N: True, but we can't do anything about it.... Come to my bedroom! I have all the one piece volumes, it costed me.... Around like 300,000 yen....

Makoto: JEEZ! You had to spend your weekly salary on that?

Y/N: Trust me, I'm a die hard one piece fan yaaaa know? (They all laugh. Fafnirs eyes glimmer looking at all the manga that Y/N has.)

Fafnir: Goodness.... All this manga makes me wanna melt, can I borrow some after the sleep over? I promise to return it.

Y/N: Of course! 

Makoto: So everyone, what do you wanna debate about?

Y/N: Personally, I think that shanks solos miha-

Fafnir and Makoto: WHAAATTTTTTT!??!?!?!????!?! YOU'RE KIDDING US RIGHT? SHANKS IS NOWHERE NEAR MIHAWKS LEVEL! (They both have an angry aura.)

4 hours into the argument they get physical with Y/N (Fafnir and Makoto does a barrage of punches towards Y/N)

Y/N: GYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! SPARE MEEEE! ACK! (Y/N is getting punched 100 times per second.)

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