the journey begins part 3

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Y/n and zelnar pov

Both boys have gotten way stronger over the years passed y/n has caused a little trouble to make sure his bounty did not decrease but increased a little over the year y/n has gotten a ship and went over the grand line recruiting some people to his crew and having full control over them the crew you could call was pure chaos people usually died on his crew but he did not care in the slightest. He has been known as a monster and his bounty has had increased to 989m bounty dead or alive. Y/n was disappointed because he wanted his bounty higher and he knew just how to do it. Y/n: zelnar!

Zelnar and y/n because of being friends even more like brothers were the only one to get along on the ship the rest of his crew mates have went on there own journeys to get stronger before they come back. Zelnar: sup y/n pls don't tell me you have came up with a new plan. Y/n smiled. Since I have already own 25% of the sea some of them even the straw hats in surprised my bounty is not higher so to show in not playing around let's attack some bases.

Zelnar: let me guess after you want to have marin bases I'n your territory. Y/n yes and it has seem that straw hat and douflamingo has gotten in a war. zelnar: who you thinks going to win. y/n : straw hat of course even tho he has not awaken his nika he is aware of it so I soon would like to meet him.

Zelnar: so your saying it'd finally time we go to the new sea. Y/n :yes and after that even more of the world will be mine. Y/n has evil smile and zelnar shook his head with a smile. And then y/n and zelnar started to rapidly attack marine bases all over completely destroying them even destroyed islands under there rule. Y/n was walkin out of a base with blood all over him and a smile on his face. Y/n was walking down a marine who was trying to flea death but as y/n has enough he killed the marine.

Y/n was about to destroy the island but Sensed something. Zelnar: hey y/n you good destroy the island all ready. Y/n : wait I sense something. Zelnar: what are you talking about I don't sense a single person on the island. Y/n did not answer zelnar but went to the presence and saw a girl the girl was about 8 years old. Y/n mind : what is a girl doing on this island and how did I miss her whatever I will just destroy the island with her. As y/n was about to leave he sense the same strong presence like a shock wave and he looked back at the girl and realized she was using conquerors haki. And it was was strong at that.

Y/n being interested looked back at the girl and saw the girl looking at him with pure hatred in her eyes but also one of confusion. Girl: w w w ere y y y you the o one who k k killed my parents. The girl said so allunding angry broken and confused. Y/n : yes your family's death shall be for a good cause when I complete my goal. The girl eyes turned white with rage and she charged y/n super fast shockingly y/n the girl appeared behind y/n and through a punch but y/n blocked the punch the girl then appeared beside him and throwing two kicks but he blocked both of them. He then grabbed her foot and flung her into a wall slamming hard against the wall she spit up some blood and landed on the ground trying to get up.

Y/n mind : this girl has potential I can't make something as this go to waste. Girl: I won't let you live because of what you did u shall avenge my parents. Y/n started too feel a little bad so he walked towards the girl who got up and threw a punch at him what he caught. Y/n : ok girl I don't really do this so how about you join my crew and I adopt you instead. The girl looked shocked but she got angry once more. Girl : you kill my family and expect me to drop everything. Tears started streaming out of her eyes. Girl : I swore I would kill you
And I will. Y/n and I could train you in completing my goal. The girl looked shocked again but saw that y/n was not joking and she did not have a choice. The girl reluctantly came with y/n on the ship and the y/n destroyed the island.

Zelnar: so y/n who is the kid. Y/n with a smirk said. Y/n : my child. Zelnar eyes bulge out of his head. Zelnar: WHEN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPENED. Y/n: calm down.
Y/n then explained what happened and zelnar eyes were bulging again. Zelnar: never thought I would see the say y/n felt sorry for someone. Y/n : oh shut up zelnar before I kill you. Zelnar: oh I would like to see you try. Y/n : don't test me. Zelnar: we know that if we battle we would get no where because with my tactics and speed it would counteract your raw strength. Y/n : oh shut up. The girl just stood there totally dumb founded.

Time skip.

Y/n has went to Alabasta it was also a island he took over all the grand line was under his rule and he loved being in charge. Y/n before he went to the new sea gather some information waited for the rest of his crew to come before he set sail.y/n : let's see if everyone is here and if they are not there getting left behind and or bounty.

Kalmar the demon of blood: wanted dead or alive. 855m berry

Mama the demonic doctor: wanted dead or alive 700m beryy

Velmor the darkness goddess : wanted dead or alive 900m berry

Kiren the dragonic sword men of flames : wanted dead or alive 1b berry

Elecos the demonic beast of the seas : 1b berry.

Zelnar the grim reaper of death and living: 2b berry

Y/n the bringer of chaos destruction: 4b berry.

Y/n laughed at this. Y/n : look at that they even made some of my crew mates war lords and such good names. Y/n smiled went from wicked to evil. Y/n : well then it's time that I start to put my motion in plan the new sea you are next on my list to conquer.

The end for now the chapter before this is the 3rd chapter my stuff got messed up somehow so yeah the second chapter is actually the 3rd so read this one second

y/n Rocks D.Xebex Raincarnated x one piece Discounted For NowWhere stories live. Discover now