Prologue: Piper

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I sat on my bed in my Oklahoma house, looking at the beautiful scenery. I held a picture of me and Jason in my hand, tearing up slightly at the memory of him. It has been 3 years since his death, but the memory of his lifeless body on the beach is still fresh in my mind.
"Stand up child," said a voice behind me, "Now is not the time for grief."
I pulled my dagger out of my pants pocket and held it at the throat of the intruder.
"Hera," I growled, my voice filled with loathing.
"Hello Piper," the Queen of Heaven said.
Hera looked beautiful as ever, wearing a peacock feather cloak over a black dress, her long black hair pulled back with a golden tiara.
"What do you want?" I asked, lowering my dagger.
"I've come with a warning," she said.
"Well ain't that fantastic," I muttered.
"Stop with the sarcasm Piper," Hera said.
"Fine," I said, "What is it?"
"There have been multiple sightings of other monsters of other ancient civilizations in other people's territory recently, and I have reason to believe that there is a larger power at play," she said.
"Percy and Annabeth told me about that, they said some magician was behind all of that."
"That's just the problem, the magician in question was a ghost and should not have been able to cast spells of the scale he did," Hera said.
    "That is a bit strange, but why are you telling me this?" I asked.
    "Because I think that this is a bigger problem than we even know."
I crossed my arms, "And why should I care about this?" I asked suspiciously.
She smiled cunningly, "Because if you don't, it will cause the end of the world as we know it."

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