Chapter 1: Annabeth

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"Chiron asked you to do what?" I asked with a laugh.
"He asked me to teach a one-on-one sword fighting class for quest preparation week," Percy said, burying his face in his hands.
"Geez," I said, "He just asked me to give a presentation on how to recognize monsters in the wild."
Percy winced, "Wow, that sounds much worse."
I laughed, "Saying it out loud, it does sound pretty bad."
"How's California?" He asked me, his smile rippling in the reflection of the water.
    "It's been great!" I said with a smile, "I got to visit Frank and Hazel at Camp Jupiter, and I also went on an architecture  tour of San Francisco!" I sighed, "I wish you were here."
    "Hey," he said with a smile, "At least I'll be seeing you next week!"
    "Percy!" Sally Jackson called from a room behind Percy, "Can you come help me with dinner?"
    "Be there in a second!" Percy called back. He turned to me, "See you later, wise girl."
    "See you soon too, seaweed brain," I said with a smile before waving my hand in front of the shower head, ending the Iris message.
    I went back to my bedroom to work on my presentation for camp. I soon fell asleep and dreamt I was standing at the edge of the entrance to Tartarus, an evil laugh coming from within.
    "Your time is up, hero," the voice hissed, "Soon your whole world will crumple beneath your feet, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
    A large hand rose from  the pit and hundreds of horrible creatures used the arm as a bridge to climb out. I tried to scream, but my voice wouldn't work. All I could do was watch as the creatures slowly surrounded me. As they came closer, there was one that stood out from the rest. It was a huge wolf, it's gray coat swirled with blue luminescence. The wolf approached, and just as it was about attack, I woke up covered in a blanket of sweat, a nervous feeling in my gut. I immediately reached for my phone and desperately searched my contacts until I found the one I was looking for.
Magnus Chase.

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