Chapter 3: Percy

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"Okay," I said to the campers, "First rule to sparring: Assess your surroundings. See if you can use anything to your advantage." I gestured to the lake behind me, "For example, this lake."
I concentrated and willed the water to become a concentrated blast, and the campers watched in amazement as the water exploded around me, soaking anyone within a few feet of me, leaving me completely dry. The campers burst into applause.
"Well, Peter Johnson," said a voice behind me, "That was quite the show."
Standing behind me was none other than my least favorite person at camp: Mr. D.
"Uh, thanks?" I said.
"Now I have to clean up all these campers, thanks to you," He said, clearly annoyed.
"Mr. D, it's fine," said a girl who looked about 14, "We can clean ourselves up."
"Seriously Alana," Mr. D groaned, "I'm trying to make a point."
"At ease, Mr. D," said a calm voice nearby, "It's an easy fix."
I turned to see Chiron, the camp director, smiling at me.
"Autumn," Chiron said, turning to the other girl, "Can you please get Mr. Valdez?"
"Yes sir," the girl, Autumn said with a perfect smile.
Chiron turned to me, "Ah, Mr. Jackson. Extravagant entrance, as per usual."
"Sorry about the mess, Chiron," I said sheepishly.
"It's quite alright, Mr. Jackson," Chiron said with a smile, "It's an easy fix."
I looked down, "Is Annabeth here yet?" I asked.
"Turn around, Seaweed Brain," said a voice behind me.
I turned to find Annabeth smiling at me. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, her gray eyes gleaming with mischief. I ran into her arms and we hugged.
    "I missed you, Wise Girl," I whispered in her ear.
    "Ditto, Seaweed Brain," She whispered back.
    When we finally pulled apart, we saw Leo and Piper coming towards us. Annabeth and I ran up to them. We hugged them tightly and went to the dining pavilion to talk. We caught up on the camp gossip, each other's lives, and just anything that we felt we needed to discuss. I looked around the camp. It had been almost 10 years since I first came to camp, but the camp has barely changed. Some new cabins and shrines had been added courtesy of me and Jason, but otherwise, there were few differences in the last several years.
    "So, Piper," Annabeth said, leaning closer to Piper, "How's Shel?"
    Piper blushed, "She's great. She's attending SFSU with Rachel, so I can still hang out with her."
    "I forgot Rachel goes there," Annabeth said, "Do you know if she's in town this summer?"
    "Chiron said she should be here later this week," Leo said.
    "Gods, I haven't seen her in so long," I said.
    "Speaking of not seeing people in a while," a voice said behind me.
    We all turned to see Grover, Will, and Nico coming towards us.
    "The Gang is reunited!" Leo shouted, getting some strange looks from some campers.
    We chatted for a while. But then, out of nowhere, there was a scream from near the camp border. The 5 of us exchanged a glance before grabbing our weapons and heading to the border.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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