Chapter 2: Magnus

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      I collapsed on the floor of the atrium trying to process what Annabeth had just told me. Alex sat next to me, her hand in mine.
    "You're sure it wasn't a coincidence that Annabeth saw a Son of Fenris in her dream." Alex asked.
"Demigods' dreams almost always have hidden meanings, and you know that as well as anyone else," I said, burying my face in my hands.
    "Hey," Alex said, "Don't worry about it, it might be nothing."
    "And if it is something?" I asked.
    "Then we'll figure it out," she said with a smile, "Just don't stress about it, okay?"
    I nodded, and she kissed me. I smiled at her and we sat together at the base of Yggdrasil. Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door. I got up to answer it and found Mallory Keen standing in the doorway.
    "Hey, lovebirds," she said with a smirk, "It's Thursday, you know what that means."
    "I hate Thursdays," I said with a sigh, and grabbed my armor, "I'll meet you guys there in a minute."
    "See you in a minute Magnus," Alex said, going to her room to grab her armor.
A few minutes later, we met on the battlefield. The battle started normally enough, Alex decapitating a few dragons (and people), Mallory stabbing people in the crotch, and T.J bayonetting everything in sight, but then I noticed something strange. Everyone stopped fighting each other and started fighting something on the edge of the battlefield. It was hard to see, but it looked like a combination between a giraffe and a leopard. Everyone was lashing out with every available weapon, but nothing was working. Our team trudged over there, or just who was left, as T.J and Mallory were both down, and began to attack. Alex tried to climb on its back, but the creature bucked, and sent her flying into a pile of rocks. All around us, einherji fell. The creature focused on me. I tried to attack it, but it was too fast. The creature bit off my head, and everything went black.

    I dreamed that I was in my Uncle Randolph's dining room. The table was set for Thanksgiving, the leftover food laid out on a buffet table next to it. Seated at the table was my mom and my two uncles: Randolph and Fredrick.
    "They're just children, Randolph!" My mom yelled angrily.
    "They're more than just children, Natalie," Randolph said, clearly trying his best to stay calm, "They both have glorious destinies before them! I've seen it in my dreams!"
    "I don't care!" My mom replied, "He's too young for this! They both are!"
    "For once, I agree with Natalie," Fredrick said, "Annabeth is only 7, she isn't ready to start training yet."
    "At least just consider it," Randolph said, "I can guide them both, help prepare them for what's to come!"
    "No," Fredrick said, "She's staying with me, and that's final."
    Fredrick stormed out of the room. Randolph turned to my mom.
    "Please Natalie," he begged, "He needs my help. I can protect you, both of you, if you would just consider it."
    My mom glared at him, "I can raise him perfectly fine on my own. Goodbye, Randolph."
    The scene shifted to Randolph's library. Me and Annabeth sat on the couch, her reading me stories from the Greek Mythology textbook Randolph had given her for Christmas. Even at 6 years old, she had this commanding voice that you couldn't help but listen to. Annabeth paused to zip up her jacket.
    "How are you not cold?" She asked me as she wrapped the blanket she was holding tighter around her chest.
    I shrugged, "Guess I'm just lucky."
"Maybe," she said. She leaned in, "Or maybe you're magic."
"I wish," I said with a laugh.
The scene shifted a third time. 17 year old Annabeth stood next to her father on the altar of the small chapel where my funeral was held. Annabeth's boyfriend, Percy came over to her and whispered in her ear, "You, me, outside, now."
Annabeth excused herself and met Percy outside.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"During the funeral, you had that look," Percy said.
"What look?" She asked.
"The one you have when you know something no one else does,"  Percy explained.
"I don't have that look," Annabeth protested.
"I've known you for 5 years, Wise Girl," Percy said with a smirk, "I can tell when you're lying, so spill."
"I promised not to tell anyone," she said.
"Well, I promise that if you tell me, I won't tell anyone else," Percy countered.
"Fine," she said with a sigh, "Magnus isn't dead and I'm pretty sure he's a demigod."
"Okay, that was not what I expected you to say," Percy said.
"What did you expect me to say?" Annabeth asked.
"Not that!" Percy exclaimed.
"Will you promise not to tell anyone?" Annabeth asked.
"I promise," Percy said, kissing her.
I woke with a start. I immediately knew that I had to tell Annabeth about that monster. Something bad was starting, and this was only the beginning.

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