Chapter 1

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The feeling of goosebumps come from your experience of a strong emotion, so when the young Russell witch whole body overcame with goosebumps while sat on the old ripped up couch of the abandoned train station her and derek where living in nova knew something was wrong. She had read about the connection you make between friends as a witch help to know when something happened.

So nova first thought was Lydia, the girl still in the hospital from the bites peter left her with. Scott and stiles had told her that her bite hadn't healed like Scott's did. So most evenings or whenever she got bored (which was a lot) she would scroll the internet to try and figure out what Lydia could be.

Putting her grimoire down and picking up her phone, scrolling till she found the number she wanted.




They both said at the same time as the phone call started, nova laughed muttering a small "jinks"
"Are you at home or dereks?" Scott asked
She rolled her eyes, not even 5 hours ago had she sent the boy a message saying she was staying at dereks for a few nights.

"Dereks, like I told you" she sassed, she could basically hear his eyes roll. "Don't sass me nova, I've been preoccupied" nova laughed "yeah I know, you tell me everytime. It's gross" again she could basically hear his eyes roll.

"Just because your a child and don't know anything about sex doesn't mean you can't learn" he told her with a chuckle, "I know what sex is asshole, im glad one of us is getting laid cuz their no way in hell that it will be stiles anytime soon" Scott laughed.

"Im outside, hurry up" nova didn't even realise he was on his way, but he probably mentioned and she completely missed it. It's happened before.

"Okay, see ya in a sec" she quickly hangs up, and puts her boots on, grabs her bag.

She walks towards the door about to leave when she hear someone behind her clear there throat, shit she thought "want to tell me where your going at..." he looked down at his phone "9pm on a school night" god he was such a dad nova thought.

"Can we skip past the point where you pretend you haven't been listening in on mine and Scott conversation and you just let me go before Scott starts screaming my name" she gave derek an innocent smile.

"Home by 12 or I'll have both the boys throats" he point a finger at her, she smiled and chuckled knowing Scott was probably listening from the street.

Running up giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, "thank der, love you" she says running out the door, not before she hear him mutter a small "love you to"

Nova pov:

Sat in the back of the blue jeep i loved so much waiting for stiles, I felt myself getting a bit lost in my own head but before it got to bad, a voice interrupted. "You okay?" Scott looked back at me, I nodded "all good scooter" I smiled. He rolled his eyes at the nickname.

Notice stiles running out of the hospital with a gown in his hand I frown what he need that for? He quickly got in and threw the gown at Scott before muttering a small hi towards me. I have him a wave. "This is the one she was just wearing?" Oh it's Lydia's gown.

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again." Scott told stiles, he nodded "All right, just shove the thing in your face and let's find her." He started the car, he pulled out before slamming the brakes on making me hit my head on the back of his seat,

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