the count down

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The ship is shown landing by the ancient temple before a tunnel lit up but light torches is shown korben carried leeloo in his arms while David and Cornelius help vikatani since she's lost alote of blood while ruby follows behind them as they enter the secret chamber. Korben gently sat leeloo down in the middle of the room on a stone platform.

David and Cornelius gently set vikatani down against the wall as ruby kneels down beside her while the other two helped korben as they figure out what to do with the stones. Cornelius then kneels down beside vikatani who was trying hard not to close her eyes.

"Vikatani what do we do with the stones"he asked her urgently while korben Dallas was with leeloo" place them on there set...columns by the..there element...sin"she explained but her eyes start to close but David hold sher face as blood starts to slide out her mouth they were only about to take care of her wounds on the outside but not the inside as she looses conscience.

"No no hey hey come wake up"he says trying to keep her awake as Cornelius thinks before realizing what she meant "David Ruby stay with her"he says rushing over to corben and leeloo"we need to put them on there right colom by there element sign"he says breathing heavily before korben gently sits leeloo down before they put them  on there stones before korben went back to leeloo to try and keep her awake.

David then turns to vikatani gently shaking her head as her eyes opened have way."vikatani what do we next"he asked urgently.

She was growing paler as her wounds bleed through the bandages"fire burns ...wind grows....water drips...but you also"she says as her eyes were getting heavy before she holds out her hand to give them blood as it drops down her hand.

They then did each element as they put the blood of the guardian on each stone and leeloo.

Vikatani was having trouble to keep her hand says she watches korben hold leeloo in his arm"tell her"she whispered making David and Ruby turn to her as blood coated her teeth "tell her I'll be watching her over her in the stars"she whispered just as the element crystals glow connect as a circle forms around leeloo and korben who where sharing a passionate kiss before leeloo pull back her arms held out wide head bent back as a whit beam of light shoots out of her mouth with a screech as the others watched in shock as korben holds leeloo tightly as he screams as well.

Vikatani watches with a said smile before her face starts to go blank as her soul was leaving her body as her heyes slowly closed as she falls to her side dead as the evil orb in space was dead once again as the beam of light disappears with a clap of thunder that roars through the sky as leeloo falls limping in korbens eyes.

"It's okay vikatani it's over the evil has been killed..."David says only to Freeze seeing her on the ground place not breathing as she looks peaceful.

He kneels down beside her shaking her arm"hey wake up y'all saved the world"he says as she doesn't move as her body lays there limply before he takes a deep breath checking for a pulse but doesn't fill One before realizing she's dead as he gasp.

Korben,ruby and Cornelius look towards him"what is it David"he asked withe worry. David looks up with tears "shes dead"he says as they were all in shock as they stand there in silence before a rumbling is heard as they turn as a stone slides up showing a bright light before it dims as a room with carved names of every guardian that now are in the heavens before vikatani was slowly levitating off the ground as he arms hang loosely as her hair falls as she then levitates to the room as the others follow.

She was then shown over a circular hole of clear blue water before they watch as she was slowly shown lowering into the water before she was completely under as it glows as a chanting was heard as scratching was heard as they see her name being carved into it as her body disappears with a glow as little stars shoot up through the pyramid to the start space as she was with her loved ones once again as the glow in the room disappeared.

They will always remember the strong vikatani even tho they didn't know her fo long she grew on them like a sister as they stare at her name with tears knowing as soon as leeloo wakes up they would have to tell her as they slowly exit out the room with leeloo as vikatanis carved name was shown as the stone door slowly closed as everything went back.

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