Keeping Distance

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Coming to the dining table Arnav looked everywhere, he was disappointed not finding Khushi and Avanti there..His disappointment was turning into anger for Khushi thinking she decided to skip dinner as a protest of his decision and she included Avanti on it..How dare she?? He is doing this for her betterment and she is showing anger to him..

Let her do whatever she wants he will not budge but his heart was anticipating with the thought where is she, is she so upset that she decided not to eat..So, finally he decided to ask his mother,'Where is Avanti and Khushi??'

'Avanti was asking for pizza since few days,as both of them were upset today..I asked her to order it for herself and Khushi..' Ratna said placing some rice on Arnav's plate..

'So, can't they have it here, in the dining table..'

'They decided to have it in their room..'

'Why?? Must be Khushi's idea, right??..' Arnav said gritting his teeth in anger..

Ratna looked at her son shockingly..'Chote, what's wrong with you??'

'What's wrong with you Ma?? Don't you think you are giving this girl too much freedom..How you allowed Khushi to go for a trip?? If anything happens to her what will we answer Shashi uncle, haven't you thought about it??'

Ratna puts her hand above Arnav's and said..'Relax chote.. it's not good to have so much anger for such a small issue..You reacted very badly this evening too, you forbade her from going at the last moment..'

'I am not understanding why Khushi thought she can go to Shimla when I clearly said no to that and you also supported her.. You always say that she is like Avanti for you.. then how come you have different rules for her, If Avanti is not allowed to go she is also not..Isn't it obvious??' He looked at Ratna with a questioning look..

Ratna took a breath and said,'She asked for my permission, after Shashi Bhai allowed her..when her father permits her who are we to should not have stopped her like this..poor thing she listens to you and decided to not go..'

'Well, I stopped her because she stays with us and she is our responsibility..Even if her father permits I won't because may be you guys don't read newspapers but I do..Now a days girls get into trouble very easily, I can't take the risk with her..'

Ratna sighed seeing Arnav's protectiveness..She didn't say anything just pat his head a little bit..She knows how her son became over protective for his family and she is happy that he treats Khushi like his responsibility, like his family..To be honest she was also surprised when Shashi allowed Khushi for the three days trip because she knows Shashi and Garima are extremely conservative, they were not allowing her to even come to Delhi for her studies..


Khushi was standing alone in the terrace of Shantivan and looking at the sky..There were lots of questions in her mind..She saw something on Arnav today,It was not only anger but protectiveness..He was authoritative towards her like he will be to his family..

It's not like she is not understanding what it is.. she kind of knew it since long..Women has a six sense to sense something like this..Though she didn't admit to any one yet, she did see his different behavior towards her..She noticed how he is over protective for her..Still she was surprised seeing his authoritative nature today..He didn't hesitate to show his anger and protection In front of anyone..To be honest she is kind of afraid of him and his feelings towards her as she knows she needs to maintain distance from him because even if he wants she can't close the distance between them..

'I knew, I always knew.. I just got the confirmation today that Bhai has feelings for you' Avanti was blabbering while spacing at the terrace..

Khushi closed her eyes hearing Avanti's non stop chatter and said,'Stop it, I am already upset because of your brother.. don't irritate me anymore..'

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