YOU ARE READING In Your love..(Tere Payar mein..) Romance An old school romantic story between my beloved Arshi..Where Arnav is madly in love with Khushi but why she is distant from him..Let's see what extent Arnav can go in Khushi's love..A romantic tale between this beautiful couple.. #arnav #arshi #baroon #childhoodlove #desire #desiromance #fight #ipkknd #khushi #khuskhushi #kkgsr #love #pyaar #raizada #romance #sanaya #starplus Name Change 1.7K 70 19 by MahiMC22 by MahiMC22 Follow Share Post to Your Profile Share via Email Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Post to Your Profile Share via Email Report Story I changed the name of the story from Is this love to In Your love..(Tere Payar Mein)..Disappointed at myself a bit as couldn't come with some thing better than this still I think it's justified the story..let me know your opinion.. Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.