* Date Day Part 2 *

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   (The title is pretty self-explanatory. Just please don't send hate comments because of the storyline. Anyways, I hope you guys will enjoy this)!

   Stray Kids have recently been preparing for a comeback, so obviously the stress levels were pretty high. Of course, they were excited but also wanted to make sure that everything was good so that everyone can enjoy it. Currently, the two youngest members decided to ease their stress by going out with just the two of them. Something they hadn't done in awhile.

   It had been five months since everything happened to Leela. Things were way better since then, but things got a bit awkward at certain points. Sometimes she thought back to the amount of pain she felt, and the boys at times had to comfort her and snap her back to reality. Even her mental health got worse at times, and her therapist ended up telling her that she may have C-PTSD due to constant traumatic events in her life. Obviously that didn’t help her. So now to take off that stress, she was willingly going out with Jeongin.

Leela's Outfit

Leela's Outfit

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Leela's Shoes

Leela's Hair Color and Style

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Leela's Hair Color and Style

   "You ready to go?" Jeongin asked Leela as he admired her beauty

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   "You ready to go?" Jeongin asked Leela as he admired her beauty. Leela smiled and nodded. They both left their dorm and walked around, not really knowing what they were going to do but also not caring, since they'd be together and that's all that mattered.

   They walked through the park, instantly beginning to reminisce on the early days of their relationship only three years prior. They were so giddy back then, and so shy with each other. This was the park where Leela had confessed to Jeongin, and the park they walked through on their first date. It was still a special place for them.

   As they walked, they both simultaneously began remembering many different moments of their relationship. The couple dance they did, Leela constantly making Jeongin worried by overworking, and even their first argument. That memory hurt Jeongin a lot. He had been thinking of that moment and when he and the rest got angry with her because she kept messing up the choreography for "Get Cool" a lot recently. Leela didn't know it, but sometimes Jeongin cried at night while thinking of those painful memories.

   He knew he wasn't the greatest boyfriend, especially five months prior. Those three memories mixed into one painful thought in his brain that he couldn't escape from. Tears began stinging his eyes as he remembered. He began wiping them away so Leela wouldn't notice, but he was too late. She had already seen him.

   "Are you ok, Foxy? What's wrong?" Leela asked, looking up at him. Jeongin looked down at the younger and pulled her to sit with him on a bench. He began to hold her close as tears streamed down his face. Leela hugged back, confused as to why he was crying. Jeongin pulled back eventually, and gazed at her. "I'm so sorry for being such a shitty boyfriend. You don't deserve that at all." He muttered, wiping away his tears.

   Leela's heart sank hearing that. She hugged him tightly, rubbing his back. "Innie, it's ok. Look, we had troubling times in our career and relationship. Every couple does. But that doesn't mean that you're a bad boyfriend." She consoled. "But I called you a bad girlfriend once. And I almost killed you five months ago." Jeongin cried harder, recalling five months ago. He wouldn't have survived if Leela died.

   Leela pulled away to look at him. "Five months ago wasn't great at all. And I appreciate that you apologized, though I wish you didn't believe the rumors. I'm not necessarily over it, but that doesn't mean that I don't love you. I did and still do. We talked it out, and now we're ok. It's still gonna take awhile for me to become content, but you're by my side so it's ok. I wouldn't be fine if I was doing this alone." Leela explained. Jeongin let out a small smile. Eventually, the two stood up and decided to keep walking.

   They both decided to head to the convenience store for some food, something they hadn't done in awhile since the allegations. It was pretty peaceful for them and a great feeling that they were able to do it again. After they finished, Jeongin told Leela that he would decide the place they'll go to next. Leela wasn't complaining and let it happen.

   Once they arrived, Leela gasped, immediately realizing where they were. It was the bowling place they had went to on their first date. It was their first time going back after three years. "We haven't been here since our first date!" Leela exclaimed. Jeongin smiled seeing her excitement and nodded in agreement. The two went inside and bowled some rounds. Once again, just like three years prior, Jeongin was winning.

   "Hey, at least you're better than last time. You sucked last time." Jeongin joked. Leela dramatically gasped and playfully punched his arm. They giggled and went to the arcade, and Leela managed to win almost every single time, like three years ago. "At least I won some rounds." Jeongin chuckled. Leela giggled and shook her head.

   They eventually left and walked back to the dorm in a peaceful silence, overcoming the pain they once felt five months ago. They felt grateful that things didn't end badly, and they were brought back together again.

   (There we go! Leela and Jeongin are pretty adorable huh? I hope you guys enjoyed this! Stay tuned for more)!

MIN LEELA// Stray Kids 9th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now