Chapter 8

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She needed to create babies!



Stronger babies!... that didn't blow up so often.

That was the only way so her UA teacher wouldn't give her an earful everytime she makes her babies, she doesn't mind using the supplies in the school but she'd rather use scraps that have meaning when she makes her babies. She'd normally collect her scraps on the week days and put her effort into building on the weekends.

However nothing ever goes according to plan. Since Her older brother insisted that she actually caught up on some school work than focusing purely on building her babies But that wasn't important. Building her babies were.

But he made the argument that she needed good grades to keep her stationed into UA. And she couldn't argue about that. So now with her homework  completed she was back out on the beach collecting precious materials for her next baby.

She was pulling her cart along when she recognised some bush green hair looking at the scraps as well. It was him again! The scarp poacher!

Oh he was so gonna get it now. She thought she made it clear that this was her territory!

"You!" She shouted as she stormed over.

Izuku looked up in surprise until he recognised her. "Oh Hatsume right? I was looking for you."

That made Mei stop in her tracks. He was looking for her? Why? What does he need from her?

"You build support items right?" He asked

She grinned excitedly about the subject "Indeed I do. I make wonderful gadgets for pros to be!"

Izuku smiled "Okay but what about prosthetics?"

This made her tilt her head curiously "Prosthetics?"

Izuku nodded "yes. Like say if a pro hero lost a leg. You could make a prosthetic leg that's strong and could cope with someone's quirk and help get them back doing hero work."

Mei began scratching her chin as the idea sat in her mind " thats... an amazing idea. I can create babies for injured pros to get them back out in the world. And once the word see how great my babies are they want to have some of my babies for themselves! You're a genius Broccoli boy!"

"... it's Izuku Midoriya... Midoriya is fine." He says slightly annoyed she didn't learn his name.

"Oh right Midoriya.. I'll try remembering that."

"Thank you. So could you make one?"

"Well I haven't made one before. So it's a new challenge that I'm eager to take on" says Mei giddy with excitement.

Izuku pulled out his notebook showing the prosthetic tail design "so could you make that for me?"

Mei swiped the notebook and studied the design carefully "wow. Did you draw this? That's a lot of detail."

"I did. So can you make it?" He asked waiting

Mei gave him back the note book and grabbed hold of his arm and began to drag him and her trolley down the beach "Come Midoriya! With you assisting me we'll make one hell of a baby!"

Izuku chuckled while sweatdropped a bit since He really hoped no one heard that.

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