Chapter 9

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It was Weeks later as both teens were near the cove that Toothless resides in along with Stormfly who was preoccupied eating the food that Izuku brought for her with Mei presented Izuku with a saddle for Toothless. The craftsmanship was stunning just like she did with the tail. However he couldn't help but wonder.

"Why did you build a saddle?"

"Because it became painfully obvious that puppy eyes here can't fly without some assistance in working his tail." Explained Mei.

"Huh, couldn't you build a tail that mimics and works with the rest of its tail without needing my help?" He asked with Mei simply ruffling her dreads, "That's the end goal yes. But their aren't exactly any other dragons besides Stormfly floating around for me to watch and study to make sure I get all specs of their flight calculated properly and let's not forget that both Toothless and Stormfly fly differently so because of that, I won't be able to get the proper calculations Hence why You, Mophead will ride him and help him fly. As you both fly around I'll record you from down here or on Stormflys back while I attach some GoPro cameras and record the finer details of his flying. This will all eventually lead to me creating a more accurate replacement tail that the big guy can use solo." Explained Mei in an oddly calming manner.

"Huh. That actually makes some sense." Thought Izuku out loud.

"Glad you agree. So let's saddle up!" Cheered Mei.

Toothless looked at the two teens and then at the saddle at Izukus hands before shaking his head and trotting away to hide amomgst the trees this made the two teens to share a look before chasing after him.

"Toothless wait!"

"You need this so I can make better babies for you!"

Stormfly meanwhile was watching this unfold while enjoying her meal.

Right now we see Izuku and Toothless taking flight above the lake to get a better feel of Izuku being the rider while also using the string that was tied at the end of the Prosthetic tail with Mei being seen down below with Stormfly observing the process while using her quirk and also recording every detail with lightening fast writing in one of Izuku's notebooks.

With Izuku he made an attempt to raise the string to change the tails direction...which got him to fall off the saddle with both him and Toothless hitting the water.

Mei winced at that as she thought another baby to be created while giving Stormfly a few fishes to nibble on.

A few days went by with both Izuku and Mei back in her workshop as Izuku clipped on a latch to keep him on the saddle without falling off...but he gave Mei a look with simply giving him a thumbs up while the former simply sighed.

The next day came by with both teens getting ready to take flight with one of them having difficulties as he was having trouble getting the tail to move by his command via his foot that was tied around his ankle to the tail.

But because of a slight jerk from his leg caused both him and Toothless to go off course as they both landed in a field of grass.

Izuku was seen face planted on the ground with a grain while Toothless was enjoying rolling around in the grass, it wasn't long until Mei and Stormfly were seen with the dragon herself doing the same thing as Toothless with the girl with the pink dreadlocks was seen poking Izuku's head with the latter only looking up at the girl who simply giggled which made Izuku to laugh a bit.

"Ok....back to the drawing board?"

Izuku asked with a nod from the girl confirming that another part of the Prosthetic tail needs another upgrade.

This time it took about 2 weeks since Mei was still a student in UA since her studies takes priority but Izuku didn't mind since their was time to get the upgrade for the tail...with him however, he just couldn't help but look through the book of the Dragon Manual once more...while riding the back of Stormfly going towards location after location during the night around Japan....reason? He couldn't sleep? Him having a death wish? Or maybe he finally lost it? It could be all of the above bit he didn't care since he felt this was something he had to do and he didn't care if it took more than 3 weeks.

3 weeks was all it took for Izuku Midoriya to be on his back with a very annoyed Mei Hatsume with her girls moving around with the same emotion.

"So...mind telling me what you've been up to, Midoriya?"

She asked with said boy could only watch the scene before him...the Dragons that he helped saved from those who see these creatures as nothing but beast.

"All I can that I'm glad I helped"

Chapter End.

Well that's it...not sure how well this chapter is but hope you enjoy.
And sorry that this chapter is short.

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