Let the Babysitting Begin!

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Blocky's P. O.V AGAIN :

It was around 5:00 pm, an hour and 30 minutes passed already and now I have to babysit some kid in 30 minutes.

The previous caller messaged me the address to which I responded "Okay".

Pen and Eraser thought it was best for them to leave since they had other things to do. We would normally hang out with each other for as long as we wanted even for 2 days straight. We all had other plans for the night but promised to see each other a bit more frequently.

While we said our goodbyes and I began to get ready.

I was wearing a red hoodie with my brand imprinted in white. Incase you didn't know, I run a successful pranking channel! and the hoodie I am wearing is part of the merchandise I was selling. I also wore black ripped jeans and some red Jordans. I felt like I didn't have to change my outfit and I was all set.

I don't know why I agreed to babysitting for the called but it seemed like he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Oh well.....

I finally messaged Pen and Eraser saying I'm about to leave and babysit. They instantly messaged me wishing me good luck and if anything happens, they'll come over to help out. I was very lucky to have Pen and Eraser in my life.

The caller's place was a 15 minute drive so I spent the first 15 minutes scrolling on my phone. Although I preferred hanging out with Pen and Eraser, this is what I got to do for now.

Fifteen minutes were up and I decided to get in my car and drive to the address. I began to observe the view.

The fluffy white clouds floating around the blue sky. The colours did remind me of Pen and I had hopes for the day.

I saw some pink buildings from the distance afar and the pink did remind me of Eraser as well.

I felt their presence watching over me somehow.

I passed by a lot of shops. Flower's Fashion Store, Lollipop's Fork Repellent Brand and then Gelatin's  Steakhouse.

I found myself let out a laugh. It was funny hearing how mad Gelatin was when I asked if we could order 3 happy meals.

In about 3 minutes, I finally reached the destination. I began to click the door bell waiting for someone to answer.

There were still no answer

I began to ring again, out of patience and then the door was finally answered.

A tall man who had extremely curly dark green hair with a beard below went to see me. He also wore
glasses and a beige turtle neck along with some khaki pants and some leather shoes.

"Oh hello there! I'm Tree! It's nice to meet you!" He introduced himself

"Hi! my name's Blocky!" I said as we both shook hands.

"My other kids are around your age but they are incredibly busy with other things so they couldn't watch little Grassy for the night. Well, as for me, I'm catching up with a friend so the whole family is busy I guess".

"Here are some things you should know, There are emergency numbers on the fridge incase, Grassy can't have his MePad whenever he eats! He speaks in 3rd person and he has no allergies. You and Grassy can have some snacks in the kitchen cupboards and make yourself welcome!" Tree continued.

"Got it" I gave Tree a thumbs up in agreement.

Then I saw a little kid with spiky green hair wearing a green shirt and overalls walking slowly over to us from the hallways. This must've been Grassy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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