Chapter 6

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(Pic of Christian for you )
(Flash back )
"What do you mean it's all of your fault liss ?" I ask softly . "never mind " my goddess of a girlfriend mumbled.
I here her mumble " it's all my fault it's all fault " she mumbles it like a mantra . Before I could comment on that she quickly wiped her tears away with the back of her hand and said " read yours " .
I picked the letter up and it read "Christian, Christian , Christian you oblivious Bastard . I love you . (Did I mention I might be a tiny bit drunk 😏) say I meant sup I meant aw hell I don't know. Can I ask you one last favor take care of that bitc... I mean Lissa . (strong emotions lol jk ) . She Malay be a bitch now but take care of her or naw lol. Did I mention you are like so hot . I am so drunk bruh . It's been fun fire crotch. -rose".
I laughed she was so drunk she couldn't even spell right. Suddenly anger surged throw my body . Thought raced throw my head like "why did she leave? And who did this to her". I know I will find this person and when I do I will make them wish they were never born.

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