chapter 1 - new beginnings

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"Reaper get the fuck up now! We need to evacuate!"

"we can't fucking leave him here!"

"Listen to me!"

"No fuck off!"

"He's a dead man."

I bolt awake after hearing some rub my shoulder, I look to my left to see an Ajumma concerned about me

? - Are you okay young man?

I bow at her as I sat up straight after I quickly rub my eyes

Y/N - yes I'm okay, thank you for waking me up

? - it's alright, have you slept lately?

Y/N - no not much I'm afraid

? - aigoo! Do you work a lot?

Y/N - Ne, I was in the military just up until recently

? - daebak! So young too?

I smile as she gives me a slice of mandarin which I quickly put into my mouth savouring the taste of fresh fruit since I was just in the middle-east doing a mission where we practically were stuck in the desert for a week, give or take from what I can remember.

Y/N - yeah ma'am, I did my service already straight out of high school

I lied to her since my position was a bit more. Complicated to explain to say the least.

? - Ahhh, you are a good young man, do you want another one?

Y/N - yes please ma'am.

She gives me another slice as I smile at her which accidentally reveals my tattoo of my branch which I was in

? - hm? That's a different branch from what I know, what branch are you? And what rank do you hold?

Y/N - I was in the special forces, but I can't tell you where I'm at now but I am a captain, ma'am.

? - daebak! At your age too??

Y/N - yes Ma'am

? - you have done a real good service for our country young man

Y/N - thank you ma'am, I'm actually a soldier for Japan as well, but I have done my time for Korea as well going back and forth for different bases and missions

? - eh? So you are Japanese?

Y/N - Yes Ma'am

? - wow, the military has advanced so much now, but then again, thank you again for serving your home country and for Korea as well, it ain't much for me to try show my gratitude but I do believe our world will be at once at the hands of young fine men like you

Y/N - I do too believe that, but thank you again, may I have another slice?

? - of course! You eat well like my son!

Y/N - oh really? How old is he?

? - he's about 23, so he works a lot to provide for me and his father, how old are you by the way?

Y/N - 19 ma'am. (Korean age)

? - wow, I thought you were about in your early 20s, you have very rough hands already

Y/N - oh it's okay ma'am, I've done a lot of fighting already, that's why I'm coming here

? - that's lovely, to have a new beginning?

Y/N - precisely ma'am. I've done my service already so no where else better than Korea, I don't have any friends or family here but I've came to the conclusion that I would make a living here or such

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