Act one -- The Beginning

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                              it is...the classic story of the Bucket...a true story of the generations...the story with no flaws, no downs, only perfection...and it begins in a simple closet, on a shelf, with a simple minded bucket, unaware of what is about to happen...

Bucket was sitting on the shelf, waiting to be filled up with a mix of water and soap, or to transport a liquid to one place to another, or to transport anything to one place to another really, Bucket has always thought of himself as a simple but pretty good bucket, although we all know he is more than simple. Bucket was just waiting patiently for when he gets picked up by the Janitor and used to make the floor and everything else shining with perfection, he loved the Janitor with all his heart, although they kept changing appearance a lot when they met, he still loved the Janitor and he was pretty sure they loved him back.

As Bucket was waiting happily for the Janitor to arrive, he saw the closet door open and someone walking in, was it the Janitor? wait...there were two people walking in...maybe the Janitor brought a friend along...wait, none of the two were the Janitor, they were two young teens! why are they here? are they here to cause mischief and chaos?!...Bucket was panicked, he didn't know what to do, should he defend the closet for the Janitor? should he try to stay out of sight? he was torn and confused on what to do, but then, one of the young teen picked Bucket up and were carrying him away! where was he going?! what were they going to do to him?! he tried to plead and beg for them to let him go but they ignored him.

Bucket was being carried away farther and farther away from the closet, away from the ones he loved like Mop and Cleaner and the closet it's self, he was awfully scared and frightened on what was going to happen to him. Were they going to sell him? kill him? Bucket wad no idea but he knew one thing for certain...this can't lead to anything good...

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