Act three -- Alone

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Bucket has been alone on this shelf for a while now...he was starting to feel more and more cold...he was scared...

minutes turn into hours, hours turn into days, and days turned into weeks...he was left alone there with his thoughts and to replay his memories, he misses his friends, he misses the Janitor and Mop...but eventually, somebody walks past Bucket while he's talking to himself, and the person hears him and turns his head in surprise, there is a bit of silence before the person breaks it. "Hello?" the person says, trying to confirm what he heard, "hello" Bucket responded also a bit surprised at somebody acknowledging him...

The person is shocked and more surprised, "am I going crazy or is a bucket talking?" he says while slowly walking towards Bucket, "no, I'm talking" Bucket replies. The person chuckles to themselves in amazement 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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